Chapter 2 - Hiding his love

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Bakugo's perspective


I opened my eyes to hear a gentle knocking on my bedroom door. My eyes looked over to my phone's my hand reaching out for it. 01:18AM, I went to sleep at about 4PM, I've been asleep nine hours. I pushed the pillow I was holding onto away from me and Walked over to the door, rubbing my eyes. "Who's here at this time of night." I said, quietly but intimidating. My door creaked open a d stood before me was Kirishima, holding onto a shark plush in his arms. "I- I can't sleep." He muttered. "Oh." I yawned. "Come in then." I went to walk off but I saw him gulp. "I did tell you to come see me if you couldn't sleep, so get in already." I understand the importance of sleep, so I tried to stay quiet. Ans plus, it's a huge problem when you can't even keep awake while walking, Kirishima needs my help. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside my dorm room, clikcing my door shut. "Get in." I whispered clinging back into bed. Kirishima yawned and climbed in aswell, covering over his body with the blankets. I smiled slightly as he hugged into his shark plush. "Come here." I grabbed him and pulled him close to my body, holding him and feeling his warmth.

The night went on further and it was clear I wasn't sleeping. I'd already slept long enough I was no longer tired. Me and Eijiro laid on bed bed, cuddled up together, my heart racing. His face was burried in my chest and his legs where pulled up slightly, out knees touching. My arms where wrapped around him, one hand on the back of his head and the other around his waist. I watched him breath as he slept, so peacefully. "Eijiro." I muttered, laying my face on the top of his head. His hands, that where once pressed on the gap between our bodies, moved around me and he began to hold me close to him. "Are you okay?" I whispered as he shivered in my arms. No response. We laid there for about half an hour before he moved again. He moved his hand to mine that was wrapped around his waist and help it. My heart raced faster and he linked our hands. He looked up at me, his eyes slightly red and the black circles under his eyes not any better. He moved out hands into the gap between put bodies and moved upwards closer to my face. "Kirishima..." I mumbeled as he started at me. "Go back to sleep." I began to play with his soft red hair and his eyes closed slowly. Our faces where so close, I felt my body shake as my heart raced and my face heated up.

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm. "Ei-" before I could talk Eijiro looked over at me, he had been laid facing ways from me, in my arms. "I know." He yawned. Once I fell asleep I couldn't know if he slept aswell, so I stared at his red eyes. "We should get up then!" His sharp teeth where visable and the smile on his face sent a joyful feeling up to my heart. "I damn well know that, dumb hair!" I yelled, moving my arms from around his body and getting off my bed. He laughed slightly and got up aswell, grabbing his shark plush from the floor. After a few minutes he left to his own dorm room, and I got myself ready. I decided I wanted to look some sort of neat today so I wore my tie and actually took pride in my look. "What am I doing this for?" I mumbeled as I looked into the mirror, staring at my neatened uniform. I sighed and turned turned door, ready for class.

"Kacchan!" Some nerd with an annoying voice said from behind me. "Oh, Deku." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Bakugou!" Kirishima said, sat at his desk. He waved at me with a bright smile on his face. That annoying damn smile he always has spread from ear to ear. I pulled my sleeve down my hand and covered my face as I walked over to my seat. I felt a smile spread across my cheeks as my eyes looked over at Eijiro, who's head was up and a bright expression was covering his face. My heart beat fast in my chest. I watched as Eijiro placed his head down on the desk and closed his eyes, breathing gently. He looked so soft and peaceful. "Kiri..." I whispered putting my head down too, stil staring endlessly at him, my heart fluttering and my face red like a rose.

"Hey Kirishima!" I heard an annoying voice from next to me say. "What could the grape possibly want." I scoffed, looking down at him. "So- we saw you getting blushy over someone earlier, who?" Denki grinned, trying to get more involved with my life. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Me? Blushy? What a waste of time. No-one in here is worth me." I scowled. No-one but... Kirishima I lowered Mt head again. "We saw you staring over the other side of the classroom and Hagakura said she heard you mutter someone's name." Denki teased, Mineta giving me one of his gross looks. "It's nothing." I rolled my eyes once again, brushing off their question and picking up my notebook. "Is it Tsu? She Dover there." Mineta said.
"Frog- girl." I stumbled on my words slightly, forgetting everything else as soon as I realised they knew where exactly I was staring. "Damn! It is her isn't it!" Denki smiled, putting his hand on my shoulder. I scoffed and shoved it away. "Only Kirishima can touch me, not you extras." I scoffed and waked out of the classroom, feeling my face go red as I remembered what I said. Only Kiri can touch me. No-one else. And I wasn't lying.


I wrote most of this while wandering round' a shop and got lost three times.

Words: 1008

Cozy here with you ✔︎ | Kiribaku \ MHA |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora