Chapter 2: Issues

Start from the beginning

"Well Diellza, my name is Caelinus, and I like baking." The male now know as Caelinus said.

It was quiet until Diellza decided to interrupt it.

"I am bored Caelinus! Give me something to do!" Diellza yelled from her seat in the van.

"I am going to regret giving my name aren't I?" Caelinus chuckled.

"You very much are Caelinus! I have made it my mission to annoy you as much as possible in this car ride!" Diellza yelled at Caelinus.

Diellza couldn't explain it, but she felt more comfortable around Caelinus than Mr. Kohler or anyone else she had ever been around. She liked the fact that she felt like she could truly be herself around someone, though she was upset that she had finally met this person as she was being banished.

The van shook as Diellza heard what sounded like gravel hitting up against the van. She began to wonder how long she had been in the van. She did need to use the bathroom after all.

"Caelinus I have a small problem." Diellza said as the van jumped and bumped down the road.

"What do you need Diellza?" He questioned.

Diellza blushed as she had never needed to ask to use the bathroom since she had been old enough to go on her own.

"I um, need to go to the bathroom." Diellza said in a small voice.

Caelinus sighed before asking, "Do you think you can hold it for another thirty minutes, we are in the middle of nowhere and The Outcast Land's camp is about thirty minutes away."

"I think so." Diellza said.

"Good, I will try to get us there as fast as possible." Caelinus reassured Diellza.

Diellza felt the van speed up more as she tried not to focus on anything. As they raced down the road Caelinus was quiet as thought raced around his head.

"Where have I heard that name before. I could have sworn I did, I don't know maybe it will come back to me soon." Caelinus thought.

It was quiet the rest of the ride only the occasional complaint from Diellza about needing to use the bathroom.

Diellza felt like she was about to burst when she felt the van slowing to a stop.

"We are here Diellza, because you were recently banished and are a criminal you have to always be with one of the guards. Ok, do not run off on your own, that will just get you in more trouble than you already are." Caelinus told Diellza.

Diellza nodded, understanding what she had to do. As she heard the locks being opened that secured the van doors and kept her from escaping, she felt herself tense. The doors flew open and there was a man now grabbing the lose chain of her handcuffs.

"Come on, let's go find you a bathroom." Said the man standing in front of her said, as he said that she realized the man in front of her was Caelinus.

Caelinus stood at about 5'7, he was fit and had muscle but not to the point of it being overwhelming. He had wavy black hair that went to his shoulders, his eyes were a brown that had a homey feel to them. Overall he was fairly good looking.

"Let's go! I really have to f****** pee!" Screeched Diellza.

People walking past looked at Diellza weirdly before minding their own business. Diellza looked down while Caelinus laughed loudly.

"Ok! Ok! Come on." Caelinus said as he laughed.

Caelinus continued laughing under his breath as he tugged her away from the van and toward a small building. He stopped in front of the building and turned toward Diellza.

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