Chapter 2: Issues

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"Hello again! Narrator here. Anyway, let's go to the next part of this story." Giggles the Narrator.

The Narrator clears his throat, "We follow Diellza in the van as she cries. When we look in the van we see Diellza with a tear stained face."

"Why." Diellza says one word to herself before breaking down in more tears.

"Why didn't he tell me. Why the f*** didn't he tell me!" Diellza screamed.

"F*** him, f*** his god, and f*** everyone!" Continued Diellza.

"He lied to me my entire f****** life! Every time he said he was my father he lied right to my f****** face! Fu-" Diellza was cut off by the person driving the van.

"Hey, I know that you are going through something at the moment. But if you could, I don't know, keep it down, that would be great!" Yelled a man from the front of the car.

The offended Diellza then screamed at the man, "Well f*** you too!"

The man sighed before saying, "You know I was going to offer you some water, but you are kinda annoying so never mind. Just be quiet."

Diellza grumbled before saying "Well at least do you have anything to entertain me?"

The man chuckled, "Listen I am a single man who is only here because I apparently missed a training day. Thanks to that they have decided that I can't listen to my music or bring my snacks. So no I got nothing for you."

"Well this is f****** boring isn't it?" Diellza said deciding that she would rather focus on this stranger rather than her fath-, sorry ex-father.

"Yep, it truly is." The driver said.

After that it was quiet not the nice kind, but rather the awkward kind. Diellza started to think about what had happened and what Mr. Kohler had done.

A tear slid down her face and dropped to the floor. She stared at it as the van rumbled on. She sniffled, then stopped as she heard the man say something under his breath.

"What did you say?" She questioned as she tried to latch on to something to get her mind off of Mr. Kohler.

"Hmm? Oh, I saw some Owlhawks, you know the ones that are really cool."

"Yah, I know what you're talking about." Diellza recalled the deadly bird.

"You have to admit Owlhawks are the most bada** birds to ever exist!" The man said as he started to trail off, saying random facts about the terrifying bird.

"Ok, I agree with you in cool but you have to admit the Black-faced Pigeon, is just gorgeous." Diellza chipped in.

"Holy s***, you're right! If only I could see one in person but you know I got a job to keep. So that dream is out the window." Sighed the man.

"Do you not like your job?" Inquired Diellza.

"I do like my job, it's just the hours you know. I work a lot and get paid barely enough to live off of it." The man said in a regretful tone.

Diellza nodded before realizing that he couldn't see her.

"Yah I get it, working as hard as you can and doing your best but it never seems to be good enough." Diellza said as she recalled how she used to act when she was younger.

"I didn't expect you to understand, what is your name anyway? I just keep calling you annoying kid in my head." The man questioned.

"Oh that's nice, I suppose. My name is Diellza, what's yours?" Diellza responded.

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