~Part 7~

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So far I think this is my favorite chapter I wrote. What do you all think? Are you enjoying my UsUk story? *wiggles eyebrows* please give me feedback. It shall be graciously excepted. I chose the song at the side because I really like it, and it has the feel for this story. It's kinda like the mascot song for the fanfiction. I hope you enjoy it.



Britain sighed and stood up as the sun began to set, “I should get back before Scotland starts to get worried,”

He turned and started walking back, saying hello to the fairies and unicorns before turning to the river.

He stopped suddenly and blushed, “Another option would be accepting America, right?” he looked up at the brightly red and orange lit sky, “Then….if he does ask…….maybe I’ll trust him and……take the chance?”

Britain shook his head furiously, “No! I refuse! I’ll just……think of something else to do,”

He kept walking and sighed as he finally reached the end of the forest. He pushed the hood of the cloak from his head and ran a hand through his hair.

He could sense Ireland and North Ireland outside.

“I’m back,” Britain said, then looked up, his eyes falling on America.

Britain stopped and his eyes opened.

“Ah! Iggy!” America called, his eyes brightening immensely and his face flushing.

Britain turned and ran back through the trees, “No, no, no, no, no!!!! Not now, please!”

“Wait! Dammit! Wait!”

Britain glanced back to see America running after him. He turned back, stumbling over a branch, and kept running.

He splashed through the river, not bothering to run across the bridge, and dashed past the colony, running through the fairy hollow and reaching a clearing surrounded by willow trees.

Britain stopped and leaned on a tree, leaning on his knees and gasping for breath, tears threatening to appear.

Just then he heard someone break through the trees, and spun to face America, who was also gasping for breath. His pants legs were wet, suggesting he had also run through the water.

He stared at Britain, who pressed his back into the willow tree, trying to move around the trunk and run again.

America walked up and grabbed Britain’s shoulders, squeezing them tightly, “Why do you keep running away from me?!”

Britain was white, “I……I……,”

“Dammit, Arthur, why won’t you just listen to me?!” America tightened his grip, making Britain wince in pain, “Do you know how useless I felt when you were going through those nightmares?! I really wanted to help, but I didn’t know how! Why is it so hard to get to you?!”

Britain couldn’t reply. He was speechless, and his face was pale. America dropped his hands to Britain’s arms, and he tightened his grip again, “I’m not letting go,” he said, “Not until you listen to what I want to say,”

Britain looked away, but America grabbed his face and forced him to look him in the eye.

“Just listen. I love you, okay?”

Britain still didn’t reply. He didn’t even look shocked.

“Figures,” America laughed coldly, “France said something, huh?”

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