Chapter|| 5

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After two hours of training in advanced combat and some magic centering exercise you just lay on the floor of the gym room, relaxing a bit when suddenly your eyes are forced shut and you find your mind wandering off to the day the Avengers or to be more specific, you, defeated Thanos.

But not quite the good part of it like the feeling of relief and being proud after the battle was done, no, your mind shows you the moments you felt rage and hatred for this disgusting kind of being with his stupid gauntlet.

It makes you feel the pain you felt while developing your real powers after putting on the gauntlet that Tony made. The enormous distress while feeling this great amount of power shooting through your body.




You see Strange holding up one finger to Tony who immediately understands what the doctor is trying to tell him. His sacrifice was the only option for them to defeat Thanos and therefore win the battle.

You see the realization hit him and instantly start running to get the gauntlet before he did. You couldn't let him die, not now, not with him having a family. As he sees you running to get the gauntlet he gives you a pleading look, telling you to stop and let him do it but that wasn't an option for you so you continue to sprint as fast as you could. You reach out for the gauntlet and grab it before Tony could.

Your hand makes its way into the metal as you hear Tony scream for you to stop, but you couldn't focus on that right now. As soon as the power of the Infinity Stones hits your body you fall to the ground, kneeling and suffering from the pain that is tormenting your head. Your entire body starts to shake while your lips tremble and you feel tears welling up in your eyes.

Steve comes running to you, seeing your bloodshot eyes, and starts pulling on the glove, trying to get it off of your hand but it was already too late. Your eyes close and you feel your body fully sink onto the ground letting your consciousness leave your body without further protest.

Now that you were on the verge of dying, knowing you sacrificed yourself for the people you loved most and who were the only family you've ever had, it was the first time you saw everything clear. Everything of your past made sense as you saw your ancestors, and there she was. The woman you haven't seen since you were five years old, the woman that owed you so many explanations.

Why she left and why she was never there for you.

Your mother.

She glances at you with pure guilt in her eyes.

"Am I dead?" you ask her.

"No, not yet. You are at the bridge that souls have to cross in order to get to the other side of life," she answers, stepping closer to you.

"Why did you leave me?"

"I had no other choice, honey," she confesses.

"You always have another choice," you growl, feeling like your bitterness is eating you up alive.

"Listen, Y/N, honey we really don't have the time to discuss all this now but just know that I never wanted to leave you and always guarded you from up here. To make it as short as possible, you come from a long line of witches, the 'Infinity Witches', as soon as we come in contact with the Infinity Stones your body is able to absorb all of their powers which basically makes you the strongest living creature in the universe. I left you because there can only be one Infinity Witch at a time, just like there will always be one Infinity Stone for every element of the universe, you can't part their powers. So in order for you to receive their powers I had to die. But now that you came in contact with the stones, you'll be carrying their powers in your body and will be able to defeat Thanos, so wake up, take the powers in and kill the purple guy."

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