chapter | 36

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──────L U D I C R O U S [ chapter 36 • the unexpected ]──────

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[ chapter 36 • the unexpected ]

Y'KNOW THE SAYING — 'nobody is perfect'. Yeah, well that shit didn't even apply when it came down to Kio Ramos. He's not perfect in the sense where he has everything planned and figured out to the T, but he's perfect in a way as the guy he is — even when he's being stupid all the time.

Watching as he plays football with his sister, allowing her to tackle him to the grassy ground, a warm and content smile works its way onto my face.

He held a football above Ophelia's head, teasing and taunting her as she couldn't reach the ball. However, the little Ramos girl is a girl of determination and doesn't allow anything to slip by her. With her face twisted into a look of determination/concentration, she kept trying to pummel her older brother in the leg, stomach, and back — basically anywhere she could reach.

Ophelia walks backwards, staring at her older brother and holding a stern finger at him, "I'm going to get you," she says in determination. She charges as fast as her legs could take her towards Kio. She wanted to knock him into the grass and she wasn't going to give up until she got what she wanted.

However, the concept was highly hilarious and impossible just from the differences in their height and weight. Kio was around 6'3 and weighed like a hippopotamus and compared to Ophelia she was like a bag of potatoes, she barely weighed anything.

But, Kio being the nice person and older brother he was, pretends to fall to the ground with a small groan leaving his lips.

Ophelia pushes her dark hair out of her face, snatching the ball from her brother's grasp and holding it in the air triumphantly. "Ha! I got you!" She yells, beginning to dance around the front lawn, hugging the ball close to her.

Kio lets out a loose laugh, shaking his head a tad bit. His grin is wide, showcasing his perfect white teeth, his eyes squinted close, hiding the pools of chestnut. He's truly beautiful to look at — the kind of beauty that was only in fairy tales.

He caught my stare, eyes not leaving my face as his smile grew wider. I roll my eyes, turning my attention to the bag of sour patches I held in my hand. I was hoping I looked annoyed, but Kio knew better.

The boy with midnight hair stands up and dusts himself off before stretching. A thin sliver of pale skin showing along with his toned stomach. He dons a black graphic tee with some grey sweats.

He leans down and grasps both my wrists in his large hands and easily pulls me up from my seat on the steps. His hands travel down my wrist, brushing over my fingers before tucking his hands into his pockets. Our hands brushed in the slightest manner, but it was enough to feel an electrifying shock flow through my body. The feeling of his hands against mine is a foreign sensation, stirring the nerves in the pit of my stomach and initiating them like the flames of a forest fire.

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