My secret spot. Our*

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I woke up on my floor. I was confused until I heard a light snore coming from my bed. It was soft and low. I pushed myself up onto my knees and looked to my left. There she was the beautiful girl I've been spending the past few days with. I can feel myself gradually falling for her. I giggled and stood up. I went into my closet and grabbed the most feminine clothes I own for Anna because that seems to be her style. I set the outfit on my bed and went back into the closet grabbing an outfit for myself. I grabbed Anna an old skirt from my "straight girl" phase along with a black champion crew neck. For myself I grabbed a black dress shirt and grey plaid pants. I went into the bathroom and changed. When I walked out I saw Anna sitting on her phone.

"Oh hey I set you out an outfit. I got you the most feminine thing I could find since that seems to be your thing" I said laughing a bit.

"Oh thanks" she said. I handed her the outfit with a smile.

"You can change in the bathroom I'll wait out here" I said. She nodded and went into the bathroom. I sat on my bed and went on my phone until she came out. Wow she looks amazing. I smiled and fought ever urge I had to check her out.

"Does it look good? Appropriate enough for school?" She asked.

"It looks amazing and we're not going to school" I said standing up.

"What? We have to go to school" she said.

"Not really. Come on we're going to my secret spot. I found it when I was younger and I'm pretty sure no one knows about it" I said.

"Well ok then" she laughed and we walked out to my car. I opened her door and watched her get in. She didn't need help this time which was surprising. I laughed to myself and got in the car. We played music and sang our hearts out. She's so fun to be around. I could spend everyday with this girl and never get bored. If only she knew.

Soon I pulled up to a cliff that looks over a canyon. It's beautiful. The sunsets and sunrises here are the best things to look at when you need to think. I got out and opened Anna's door. She looked out to the view and smiled bright. I looked down at the small girl who tugged on my arm like a child in a candy store begging their mother for the big lollipop on display and smiled. She took my hand and brought me to the edge of the cliff. She slowly let go of my arm and sat on the edge of the cliff letting her legs hand off the edge. I giggled and sat next to her.

"So... was it worth skipping school?" I asked nudging her shoulder.

"Definitely" she breathed out. I giggled and smiled at her. She was still looking out into the view. I just admired her perfect side profile. Her nose has the perfect curve and her plump lips stick out just the perfect amount and her jawline is just flawless. I sat there admiring her features for a while until she looked over at me.

"What you staring at Y/l/n?" She said laughing.

"You what else?" I said. Ooh Y/n too bold.

"Hm good one. There's not much to look at" she said.

"Oh there's a lot to look at. Your beautiful" I said.

"Sure" she said.

"No. You are now shut up before I throw you off this cliff for being mean to yourself" I said.

"Do it" she said laughing. I giggled and gently pushed her making sure to hold her arm in case she slipped. She screamed and threw herself into my arms.

"Now say it with me. You're beautiful" I said looking down at her.

"Fine I am not can we go get pizza or something?" She asked.

"Sure. C'mon freshman" I said. I stood up and held my hand out. Anna slowly grabbed it and stood up. She must have stood up to fast cause she stumbled and almost slipped again. I pulled her close to me and laughed.

"Gotta quit almost falling freshman" I said.

"Ya think" she said holding onto my neck. I laughed and pulled away from the hug allowing her hands to slide from my neck to my shoulders. She looked in my eyes and smiled. I glanced down at her lips and took a deep breath before pulling away from the hug completely.

"Let's go get pizza freshman" I said. She nodded and we walked back to my jeep.

"So how'd you like my secret spot?" I asked starting the car.

"Um it's ours now and I love it. It's peaceful" she said.

"Ours. Ok then freshman. Our secret spot" I said giggling.

I'll update again later I'm unmotivated lol.

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