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Y'all I'm kinda excited? I might stop after this chapter or the next few depending on how many read it though. Spam my message board if you want it updated and I will work on that.

Everyone sucked. The entire world sucked. It was always rainbows and spouses and children. And we were elves, the "superior" race. No wonder the humans betrayed us.

As I walked back into the estate, Illume, I noticed my mother approaching me. She never did that. She probably wanted something from me...

"Hey, Sam."

I sigh. "Hello, mother. What do you want?"

"Don't be so harsh with me! I just want what is best for you. You are going to be 15 soon and if you don't manifest then you won't be happy. So I suggest that you ramp up on your Ability Detecting Sessions."

"I will, mother."

I walk up the grandiose staircase and into my secluded room.

Illume was a large, shimmering mansion off the coast of Dover, UK, as the humans called it. It overlooked the sea and was situated at the top of a tall, white, chalk cliff. The surroundings for Illume were of course beautiful, with the forest on the other side that had the tallest trees, a beautiful waterfall, a lot of birch trees, and a Japanese garden in the center.

But Illume was definitely the center of attention. Like a shining jewel amidst dirt, Illume glowed and shined in both the moonlight and the sunlight, which was where it's name came from. The outside was made completely from gold and studded sapphires while the inside was much more luxurious. Everything was silk. The chairs and sofas were silk and white. The walls were also gold but the contrast wall was white. The floor was made of some beautiful crystal with a pinkish color, and the stairs were a light turquoise.

My room was two floors up, and someone needed to open a few doors to get there. I liked the privacy.

My room, of course, was decorated to my liking. The roof was a rainbow colored stained-glass dome. The walls were made of gold but the contrast wall was made entirely of sapphires. My bed was a memory foam bed with a duvet and some fluffy pillows along with some sequined stuffed animals there for decoration. All in all, Illume lived up to its name.

The people were also very sparkly people. My dad and my mom both wore only sparkly gold things except for their registry pendant and their rings, which were both light pink.

I, however, did not fit into my gender role as a boy. I wanted to wear dresses like my mother but still be a boy. But I couldn't do that. So I used my masterful art of espionage to sneak into my mother's room and steal a dress to wear.

My mirror, of course, loved this idea. Yeah, it was one of those talking mirrors.

Anyways, my mirror, Kagami, always loved seeing me in a long dress, long hair, and makeup. Apparently, it suited me better and I looked prettier with my body.

My body was a slightly more handsome version of a normal elf's body. I had toned abs and some basic muscles. My skin was a rich, light coffee color, my hair a beautiful blonde. One of my eyes was a deep, intense indigo while the other one was a light turquoise. Apparently that made me look really handsome to all the ladies. But I don't really care about girls.

Today was a rare day. I had a lot of homework from foxfire and I also needed to practice my ability triggering.

So once I finished all my homework, it was around dusk, one of my favorite times of the day.

As I walked out, one of the gnomes, Kyalla, told me to be back before dinner, which was exactly two hours from then.

I ran from my house to the forest, eager to escape the glitter for some time.

I went and sat right under my favorite tree, a drooping birch. It was around fall, so the leaves had started to turn yellow. That is what made birches so beautiful. Their unique bark and their unique but beautiful leaves.

The drooping birch was next to Lake DarkSun, the exact opposite of our estate. The lake was actually really shallow, going at most five feet deep, but for some reason, it sucked ip all the light coming from other places and made everything around it look brighter.

I sat down and leaned against the tree.

What could be a good ability to manifest? A hydro kinetic sounds good, a Mesmer or an inflictor would be cool too. But what if I had my own ability? A unique one?

I tried to force my brain to wake up in hopes of triggering such an ability.

I first did some push ups while doing multiplication. Then I hung upside down from the tree and did sit ups while contemplating the ethical concerns of resetting the timeline. Clearly it worked because I was getting a tingly sensation at my fingertips.

Then I jumped down from the tree and did some tai chi, a human thing which made me calm down.

I felt myself going with the flow of the wind, weaving a new reality with my fingers. I slowly added my feet into the mix but focused on my fingertips. Then I felt something. Almost like I was weaving something with my bare hands. Like I was playing the harp. I felt as if light and dark converged in me to create a new world. A better world for me to live in.

And the. I opened my eyes and saw it. I had manifested an ability.

I was a DreamWeaver. And I had made a new world.

I immediately rushed back to Illume to tell my parents of this exciting news when I felt tired. I felt dizzy, woozy and tired. And then I collapsed onto the ground, blacked out.


Yay! First chapter done! I think this is a good length. Bcus I'm really excited about this.

1000 words exactly!

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