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"Before you go to Japan you will be tested on the field of battle. Now remember what I have taught you" "Control. Restraint. Concentration. Balance" he said looking at Blaze for the last part. "Unity" "Four strands of rope"

"Now, separately you will snap" he put his hand in the middle and the rest followed his lead.

"But together you'll be strong"

"Now get out there and kick butt!" The four cheered spreading out on the baseball field. She was on the third base waiting while watching Rocky throw the ball to his dad.

Since girls usually weren't aloud to play baseball they had to do some convincing.

"Michael, where are you?" The boys dad called out.

TW: mentions of anxiety

"Welcome to the Final Games League Championship playoffs" she heard on the speakers as she took a deep breath feeling her breathing come up slightly.

"Our series decide at one game" she looked in the crowd for her dad but couldn't find him at all.

"So this game will determine who goes home proudly with the championship trophy"

"The dragons" the crowd cheered. "Or the Mustangs" she sighed at the name of the other team.

Rocky goes over to her quickly "Hey you'll do great don't worry" he says and kissed her cheek not caring others were watching she smiled slightly "PLAY BALL" the catcher yelled.

"Batter up!" One of the guys came forward Rocky got ready and threw the ball in the air.

The guy hit it flying she stood in her place keeping a eye on the ball Tum Tum came forward throwing his hot dog in the air and moved trying to catch it.

He fell on the ground the hot dog landing in his glove her shaking her head smiling at him.

"Safe!" The catcher yelled. "MICHAEL!" His dad yells. "You're supposed to be playing baseball!" "Catch the ball not the weenie!"

Some of the kids laughed in the distanced she rolled her eyes at them being obnoxious.

She waited in third base for Rocky to throw the ball "Keith!" The Mustang coach calls out doing hand motions.

She watched as he grabbed dirt.

Rocky threw the ball the other player hit it and Keith ran to second base.

She caught the ball and went to go throw it to Colt seeing he was almost at second base.

Blaze threw it towards him when Keith slid on the dirt in result the dirt going in the air and in his face. "SERIOUSLY?!?" She yells walking forward slightly when Colt yelled in pain "Safe!" The guy next to Keith calls out.

"Jeez!" Colt said.

Colt coughed going forward to Keith. Keith shoved Colt she went to go towards them but Rocky stops her.

"Hey, come on break it up! Back off!" Colt just wondered if Blaze was in his place he would've been even more mad but he slowly calmed down.

"Don't dig so deep. You'll only be here for one more pitch" the catcher said next to her making her sigh. "Don't be so annoying" she mumbled.

She held her bat firmly in her grip. "Hey batter batter batter!" Chase her old bully chants "Batter couldn't hit with a telephone pole"

"Come on Darren, Little sunshine couldn't hit a full moon" Chase being the pitcher threw the ball towards her. She went to swing but  slipped from the catchers foot being in the way  in response losing her balance and fell down when the catcher caught the ball laughing.

She got up angrily and slammed the bat down on the dirt when the catcher from the other team kept laughing and ran off.

"Come on he cheated!" One of her team mates yelled but they moved on ignoring their rants.

Colt and Rocky was furious and they both wanted to get the other team back but Rocky being the more mature one didn't do anything since he knew she would be fine.

"Rocky Concentration!" Grandpa yells. "Heart. Mind. Body..." he stared at Blaze. "Blaze?" He questions himself.

He stuttered slightly watching her fix her hair as the wind blew it back. He rubbed his eyes then seen Blaze in front as the batter instead of on his team.

"Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!" chanting was heard in distance. He looks at 'Blaze' in all different directions being confused.

But it made him smile also when he threw the ball at the batter. The real Blaze being confused of his face expressions watching the scene in front of her.

The batter hit it running "ROCKY!" Blaze and Colt got ready.

Colt caught the ball throwing it to Tum Tum.

One of the players tackled Tum Tum "You're home! Safe!" She threw her glove on the ground annoyed.

It's been a couple plays later she was slightly annoyed with herself on how bad she was doing.

She didn't know why she just couldn't focus and it wasn't helping her balance on top of it.

Colt came up first Darrenn threw the ball almost hitting Colt in the head and he fell down. "HEY!" She yells "I'm sorry sweetheart" Darrenn laughs at her reaction shaking his head.

The other teams catcher pulled Colts string on his shoe "Time!" The catcher yells. "Get your shoe here son" the catcher says behind him.

Colt tied his shoe glaring at Darrenn when the other teams catcher put dirt in his helmet.

The pitcher came to her when he was tying his shoe "You know maybe we can have some fun later?" "In your dreams" she glared shoving him "HEY! That's a warning" the Umpire calls out.

Darrenn laughs winking at her Colt glaring in the distance as he got ready. "Two down. Let's go!" Colt put his helmet on well went to but dirt was spilled all over him.

He looked at the other teams catcher next to him shaking dirt off his head going forward.

"Colt and Blaze! Strength in restraint! Control!" Grandpa yells out to them.

3 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)Where stories live. Discover now