"Where are we going?I'm tired."Grim whined as they walked out of the Scarabia mirror."The Monstro lounge.I have an idea."Yuu said stomping towards the Octavinelle dorms looking glass.She strutted through the cafes entrance,smashing her fist against the VIP room door."Azul!Floyd!Jade!I have a favour to ask!"she yelled.There was no response."They're probably sleeping."Grim said,echoing her own thoughts."Darn it."she hissed under her breath."Let's just go home and do this first thing in the morning,"the cat creature groaned.The girl shook her head as Kalim's teary,far away eyes came into her mind.This can't wait.She caused it and damn it,she's gonna fix it!She got into an armchair,grabbing a bottle out of the bar area.If she has to wait here till they open,so be it.

Azul was in for an odd sight when he opened the lounge next morning.Despite the fact they just opened,someone was already there.Yuu was sitting in the armchair,Grim in her lap and a nearly empty bottle of wine in her hand.There could only be one reason why the"heroes of Night Raven"would be here without those freshmen from Heartslabyul.Someone had a problem and she wanted him to help her fix it.He walked over to the sleeping Ramshackle students,and gently shook both of them."Yuu,Grim,wake up.".Their eyes fluttered open as they turned towards Azul."Azul Ashengrotto,just the man I was looking for."Yuu said a little too happily,wobbly beaming and shakily pointing at him.Reminding himself of his professionalism,the Octavinelle dorm leader held in his laughter and took the bottle,placing it back in its proper place,before walking over to Yuu and Grim."So what are you doing in our fine establishment this early?","Well,I have a position for you.","You mean a proposition?","Yeah,that."she said,groggily nodding."Well then,take it away."he said,smirking and gesturing for her to continue."Well,I talked to Kalim yesterday and he was really sad.So,I want you to...","Make him and Jamil Viper reconcile?","How did you know!?"she asked,eyes wide and sparkly in amazement."Intuition."he said.And some info from the Leech twins,but she didn't have to know all of his secrets."So,will you do it?"she asked."Depends what's in it for me."he said, leaning back in the chair."This ought to be good."he thought.Drunk clients always gave the most interesting collateral."I will...work in this cafe for a month with no payment.And...I will give you the basement of the Ramschakle dorm as a cellar for drinks.".Oh,not bad at all.He'd have more money coming in from the tips and a more spacious storage space.He pushed up his glasses."Very well.Let me get the contract.","While you're at it,can I get a glass of water?I don't want to sign anything drunk.","Of course.".He came back with the pen,contract and water.Yuu grabbed the glass immediately and spilled the contents onto her head."Much better."she said,sounding sober-ish.Taking a deep breath,Azul slid the contract towards her."Sign here."he said,pointing to the dotted line.She did and skipped out of the lounge,Grim following close behind.Azul rubbed his temples.This was gonna be hard,but he has pulled off miracles before and for the sake of that profit he will do it again.

Jamil hummed as he got out of the communal bathroom.That was refreshing.At first he thought that not using Kalims bathroom was gonna be hell incarnate,but it was a surprisingly middle of the road experience.If he was being honest he'd say that he still preferred his masters bath over a shower,but if this is what he'd have to do to separate himself from the servant role,he wouldn't mind it."Ugh!"Jamil groaned.How did that insufferable heir manage to worm his way into his thoughts again?He told himself that once the two of them were at Scarabia their contact would be minimal.Unless he didn't know where Kalim was,he wasn't gonna do as much as spare him a thought.And yet here he was,thinking of him despite knowing he was with Vil and Rook at the moment.Jamil cursed under his breath as he put on his Scarabia uniform."It's not guilt.It's not guilt..." he chanted to himself.He doesn't feel bad about the things he did to Kalim.The only guilt he feels about the whole event is that innocent bystanders such as the Scarabia students and the Ramshackle duo had to deal with the consequences of those actions.As for the Octavinelle trio,those bastards had it coming.
"They're lying,right?...You'd never do that to me,right?","I can fall asleep anywhere and you'd even scold me for it.","Come on...that's it,right?I've just been dozing off ."Jamil,you're the only one...you're the only one who'd never betray me,right?Because,we're best friends!"came Kalims desperate,pleading voice,denying the facts.Trusting as ever,refusing to believe Jamil would do such a heinous thing."What an idiot."the servant gritted,punching his pillow.This wasn't even the first time he thought back on those words with a result of annoyance.How could someone be so foolish,ignorant and naive?How could someone be so loyal even when the truth was staring them in the face?How could he keep him the vice leader and defend his integrity,with complete genuineness?Jamil fell onto the bed hiding his face inside the hoodie.Damn it!Why was it so hard to hate that dumbass? "Hey,Viper."came a calm,familiar voice.Jamil opened his eyes,grabbing the knife under his pillow,sitting up and pointing it at the intruder."Relax,it's just me."Azul Ashengrotto said,smug as always."I know."Jamil said,still ready to stab the Octavinelle dorm leader if need be."What are you doing here?"the brunette asked getting off the bed."I just wanted to visit...","Liar.","Takes one to know one Viper.But,you didn't let me finish.And give you an offer.","I don't need offers from the likes of you.","Would saying it'll stop your little stunt from getting discovered make it more tempting?".Jamil froze,slowly lowering the knife.Azul wouldn't...Oh,who was he kidding,he absolutely would."Alright,what is this offer?"the young Viper said dropping the blade."Well,you and Kalim become friends again and I don't tell his family about the incident.".Jamil blinked in response.For a second he thought that maybe the Asim heir organized this,considering he wanted to build their friendship back up immediately after the Overblot.But the ultimatum was too cruel to be that fools doing and Jamil knew that even the resident deal maker couldn't compete with Kalims stubbornness."Why do you suddenly care about the two of us anyway?","Can't I just want to revive the bond you two once had?I'm just being caring here.","Bullshit,the only people you care about are yourself and your eel boyfriends.".At this Azuls "smiling salesman" charade slipped a little,to reveal annoyance,but he bounced back without much effort."Someone else put you up to this.If it wasn't Kalim,who was it?Wait a minute...Yuu.".Of course that foolish girl would do something like this and would be cunning enough to use blackmail.She outsmarted him,Azul and Leona for fucks sake."Her and her selfless attitude."Jamil groaned.Azul smirked pulling out a piece of paper."Yep.Signed a contract and everything.","What did she give you as collateral?","Her free service for a month and permanent use of the Ramshackle basement as drink storage.","Tell her I appreciate the effort,but I'm not doing it.And yes that's despite the blackmail.I'd rather die than go back to that sort of life."Jamil said sitting back down on the bed,crossing his arms.He meant it.Even if he did genuinely miss Kalim,which he did not,going back to living in the princes shadow,always second rate was more torturous than anything Kalims dad could come up with once the truth was discovered."You know Yuu did Kalims makeup yesterday.","What?","She probably did it this morning too.In fact,I walked past him and it looked even better than how you use to do it.","What!?".Jamil could feel the anger bubble inside him.He didn't know why he was angry,but right now it didn't matter.He had to see this for himself."I accept your offer."he said in one breath.Azul grinned."Excellent.","Now,get out of my room.","If you pay me 10 Madols I'll never show up here again.","Kicking you out now or never having to see you again by giving you money?Hmm...Fine,I'll pay you.But I don't want you anywhere near my room ever again."he said giving him the money.Shoving it into his pocket,Azul left, whistling."Damn,he's good."Jamil thought getting off the bed once more and hurrying towards the dorm mirror.Once he walked out of it,he took a turn towards the Pomefiore one,ready to check if what the octopus boy said was true.

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