-Chapter 45-

Depuis le début

"So anyway Rosalie, how about you tell us about your mystery man." Avaline giggled, turning to face me.

"Oh, you've got a mystery man have you?" I teased, chewing on my pasta.

"Yes and no." Rosalie rolled her eyes.

"Don't stop there! We need details." Avaline ordered.

"Argh! Fine. His name is Connor, he's in a band, and we met a couple of months ago. We started going out on a couple of dates and he is really nice." Rosalie smiled dreamily.

"And..." I urged.

"And, he asked me to be his girlfriend on Saturday, and I said yes!" She squealed.

"Aww, I'm so happy for you!" I smiled and lent over to give her a hug. At least someone can have a boyfriend around here. "When can we meet him?" I asked, pulling away.

"He's actually coming to pick me up from the airport when we arrive back in England. He's staying at one of his friends in Birmingham for a couple of days with a few of his friends. We are going to stay at a hotel in the evening and then I'm going to meet his best friends for lunch the next day. You are welcome to come!" Rosalie informed us, and I found myself nodding.

"Hopefully the jet lag won't be that bad." Avaline groaned at the same time as I said, "What day is it?"

"Hopefully, and it's on the fourth." Rosalie said, and I nodded.

"Great, we will probably be wide awake anyway cause of the time zones, so I'm up for it... That is, if you don't mind." I smiled.

"No, I don't mind! I'll feel more comfortable with you guys there." She grinned, taking a bite from her sandwich.

I was about to say something when a gush of wind suddenly formed, and blew all our food wrappings away.

"Ahh!" I shouted, quickly scrambling to my feet. I started to run after the wrappings, but running in flip flops on the sand, isn't something I'm very good at. I fell over with a big thud, thankfully I had sunglasses on so no sand could get in my eyes, but my hat blew off my head.

Great, now I'll have to catch that as well as the wrappings. I scrambled to my feet and kicked off my flip flops. I gathered them in one hand and started running towards my hat which was a few yards away from me.

Somehow I managed to get my foot stuck in a piece of seaweed, and fell to the ground again with another big thud.

I heard laughter and I knew that Avaline and Rosalie were in stitches. I turned my head to send them a glare when I realized that Avaline had her phone out and had probably filmed the whole thing.

"You look like you need a hand." A male voice said from in front of me. I turned my head and looked up at the well-built man in front of me. I nodded my head, and he stuck out his hand. I took it gratefully, and he pulled me up.

"Thank you." I smiled brushing the sand off my bare legs.

"Oh, you're British." He grinned. "That explains it." He added, handing me my hat.

I took my hat and raised an eyebrow. "What does it explain?" I asked with a tiny bit of attitude.

"Hey! Don't take offence! I'm just saying that you don't look like you're from around here." He grinned, brushing his hands on his trousers.

"Okay..." I said, not really sure of a comeback to what he had just said.

"I'm Matt, by the way. Matt Parker." The guys said, outstretching his hand again.

I shook it firmly and smiled a tad. This guy was kind of cute... Not like that! I mean his attitude, and his whole character, it's just really cute... Very American.

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