Chapter 25

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September 9, 2020

It was a Saturday. Peter was relaxing on the front porch, doing his homework. The next day would be Morgan's first birthday, and they had planned a big party that she didn't quite know about yet. For now, she was playing in the front yard, where Peter could see her.

Peter had invited Ned, MJ, Betty, from his old school, as well as Abe, who was now his good friend. He also knew that some of the Avengers were coming (he wasn't sure who, though). And Morgan's own friends from her daycare had been invited as well.

The homework Peter was currently doing was a social studies assignment. He was learning about the rise of civilizations, about cavemen. He had to answer a few questions. Easy, but pretty boring.

In June of that year, he'd graduated from elementary. Now he was facing middle school, which was more complicated than elementary had been.

For one, you had to carry a computer around the entire day and do some of the work on the computer. Peter felt it was easier to type than write, but the teachers always gave half of the assignments on paper and the other half online, so he had to do written assignments, like he was doing now.

Two, the deadlines came fast and quick. Peter found he couldn't procrastinate, or he would be left to finish the entire project the night before it was due. That had almost happened once, when he didn't start the project until two days before it was due. He had got a B on that project, and he swore he wouldn't procrastinate again.

He finished writing the answer to the last question, and, with a dramatic flourish, dropped the pencil into his lap. He was done with his work for the weekend. Now he could relax and play.

He ran down the steps of the front porch, and into the yard, where Morgan was playing. She was currently playing inside a pink tent, and couldn't see him. Peter decided to have a little fun with her.

Getting down on all fours, he crawled into the tent, pretending to be a bear. He fake roared, and Morgan turned around, a frightened look on her face, before she realized it was just Peter.

"I'm gonna get ya!" he said, reaching out to grab her. She screeched with joy, and started trying to get away from Peter as he started tickling her.

"Peter!" Tony called from outside the tent. He'd probably come out after hearing Morgan yell. "Is everything good?"

Peter took Morgan's hand and they both came out of the tent. "Yeah, it's fine," he confirmed.

"Peter being a monster!" Morgan said, in her broken, not-fully-developed way of speaking. "I beat him," she added, proudly.

"Well, that's a job well done," Tony said, smiling and picking her up. "It's lunch time," he added. "So come inside."

Peter ran inside, before Morgan and Tony, and sat down at the table.

Later, after lunch, he was reading a book up in his room. The Cloak was beside him, looking on as if it was also reading the book.

A knock on the door startled him. "Come in," he said.

Tony walked in with Morgan in his arms. He set her down, and she immediately went to the Cloak.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked.

"Nothing," Tony said. "Just came in to see you."

Peter nodded his head. He looked at the picture on his bedside table, of him and Stephen, and sighed. He loved Tony and Morgan and Pepper, but he still missed Stephen.

Morgan noticed his sadness, and turned to look at the picture. Peter realized that this was the first time she would see this picture. "Who that?" she asked.

"That's Peter's other dad," Tony clarified. He looked at the downcast Peter before continuing. "He doesn't like to talk about him much, but the Cloak you're playing with? That was his."

Morgan nodded in understanding. "Don't be sad," she said to Peter. She hugged him, and Peter returned the hug. Then she giddily ran out of the room, probably back out to play. Tony reassuringly patted him on the back, then stood to leave. "You still have the gifts?" he asked Peter.

Peter nodded. He'd hid all of Morgan's gifts in his closet, and tomorrow, he would bring them out during her party. At least he had something to look forward to.

"Good," Tony said, before leaving the room. With them gone, Peter returned to the peace and calm of his otherwise empty room, and continued reading his book.

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