Chapter 19 - Home sweet prison

Start from the beginning

She wasn't dead! She wasn't dead! She wasn't dead!

That bastard lied. He will die for what he did, as will the rest of his sorry excuse for a pirate crew and his little lady. 

But right now that doesn't matter for my daughter is in my arms and everything is going to be ok. 

After holding her safe in my arms for some time, I reluctantly break apart and look into her eyes. I scan her body for any sign of injury. There doesn't seem to be any obvious cuts or bruises, which makes me wonder what they did to her. Mabey they deliberately didn't hurt her where you could see the scars or maybe they prefer mental torture?

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? What did they do to you?" I ask her.

"I'm fine Father, Really." She answers. FINE! How can she be fine? She has been captive on a ship with the worst pirate there is for 6 whole weeks!  Who knows what him and his despicable crew have done to her in that time. Then I see her quickly glance over my shoulder and then back to me. I can see that she is still petrified of him. She doesn't want to tell me anything because she's scared of what he could do to her. 

I don't want to do this to my baby girl but we have to take the pirate ship back home because the ship I came here on is a Greenflower one. The King said that we could trail the Jolly Roger on his ship but he wanted it back as soon as we found Emma, meaning our only option is to take the Jolly Roger itself back home. He said that we could have a few of his soldiers to take back to Misthaven (our kingdom) so that they can steer the Roger and they will return on the first ship back to Greenflower when we get back. 

This is probably the last thing Emma wants but there is no other way and it is only a week back to Misthaven in the opposite direction to Greenflower. 

"Some of you take them to the brig and then those of you who are staying can work on getting us home as fast as possible, those of you who are leaving us goodbye and thankyou for your service." I tell them. 

Emma looks at me confused and I explain to her our unfortunate situation. 

"I'm sorry baby but there is no other way to get home." 

"No its ok Father, I understand." She says. 

I take her hand and lead her down some stairs in search of a suitable room. I find a large door that looks like a room and push it open. The room is large for a pirate ship. It has a bed in the corner of the room and is well lit due to the small windows lining one of the walls. There is a table in the middle and a desk with papers scattered across it in the corner adjacent to the bed. 

I look at Emma who is stood beside me staring at the room. Her face is unreadable which makes me wonder even more what they did to her. Back home she always had a smile on her face. She was barely ever unhappy and even when she was you could tell. Anyone could read her even when she didn't want you to but now I don't have any idea what she is thinking. 

Did she recognise the room? Had she been in it? I didn't want to cause her any more pain. 

"Emma honey, would you like to sleep in here? It's ok if you don't." I softly ask. 

She looks back up at me and smiles. "It's perfect Daddy, thankyou." She says happily. 

I lead her into the room and sit her on the bed. Up close I notice that the bed has 2 pillows. How strange. I look back to my daughter but she isn't looking at me she is looking at the pillows or rather the pillow on the far side of the bed. 

"Emma is everything ok?" I ask her.

"Yeah fine." She says as she reaches out for one of the pillows and holds it to her chest. 

"Are you sure why are you holding that pillow like that." 

"Er... When I was erm alone on the ship I er would get my pillow and er hug it because it felt  comforting." She says.

"Oh honey you don't have to be embarrassed about that, its over now though you never have to worry about those pirates ever again." I say and kiss her forehead and walk to the door, "I need to check on the pirates and the guards now honey, try and get some sleep ok?" I tell her as I leave the room, closing the door behind me. 

Now I need to have a serious chat with a pirate captain. 

Emma's POV

I don't know if I should be happy or sad that my father just happened to put me in the captain's quarters. Killian and I shared this room, we were happy here. There were many lazy mornings spent in this bed. So many sleepy conversations had in this bed. So many 'I love you's' shared in this bed. So many kisses exchanged in this bed. So many memories in the short time I slept here. 

Every morning we would carry out the same pointless argument. Every morning we would end it the same way. He would wake up first and wait for me to stir. I don't know what he did in that time, probably watch me sleep but I do know that every single morning without fail I would wake up in his arms and as soon as I stirred he would kiss any part of exposed flesh he could and whisper in my ear good morning my love. I would tell him we needed to get up and he would say he just wanted to stay here with me. I would say the crew would be waiting and he would tell me that he was the captain and he made the rules so he could stay in bed later if he wanted. We would go back and forth until he gave up and kissed me to shut me up. Then we would stay in bed for a while longer. 

I saw a tear fall onto Killian's pillow and wiped my eyes to see that I had been crying. I buried my face in his pillow and took a deep breath in through my nose. It still smelt of him. Good. I don't know how long I stayed like that crying into my true love's pillow with nothing but his scent to comfort me. 

A/N: I'm sorry. I cried writing this and I know what's going to happen. Thankyou so much for all of your comments and views they mean so much to me. I would love it if you could check out my one short book the majority of them are Captain Swan. I am going to do a sequel to this book and I have big plans for it. 

Bye For Now


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