"I loved that dress." He jumped slightly, considering he hadn't heard her come up behind him. She laughed at his shock. Instead of the Quidditch top and large, jersey shorts that she had been wearing before, she now had on an oversized forest green cable knit sweater and a pair of denim shorts. She had also taken her hair out of the ponytail it was in and it now fell in waves around her face. "What?" She asked him and he realised he had been staring slightly at her. "Is it too cold for shorts?" 

"No. No your fine. You look nice." He told her, slightly embarrassed. 

"Thank you." She smiled at him. She had a really nice smile. "Okay, potions notes." She retook her position by her trunk and pulled out a stack of books. "You'd think they'd go easy on us on the first day back." She joked, as she sorted through the stack of homework.

"Have you done any of it yet?" He asked.

"No, not yet."

"We could do it today. I haven't done it either and it would be easier for both of us to do it." 

She nodded. "Pass me my bag then." She pointed at a black bag that lay on the floor by her dresser. He passed it to her and she loaded all the homework and books into it. "Will we need to stop by your dorm then?"

"Yea-" He was interrupted by the door opening. Cora, Charlie and Rose walked in. They seemed slightly surprised to see them, specifically him, there.

"Hey Black." Charlie greeted, walking over to her bed. The other two girls both nodded and smiled at him before making their way to their own beds. 

"We're going down to Hogsmeade." Cora told Betsy. "Do you want anything?"

"Yeah, actually. Can you get some sweets from Honeydukes for Peters birthday? And if they have that old charms book, the one with the brown leather cover can you get that as well?" She asked, grabbing her purse from the edge of the dresser and throwing it to Cora.

"Yeah, that's fine." 

"Also get me some chocolate frogs." She added before turning to Regulus. "Okay, I've got everything." 

After letting Crookshanks head out of the room before them, the two of them headed back down the winding staircase to the common room. They were about to head out through the portrait hole when it opened up from the outside. In came, Sirius, James, Remus and Peter. James and Sirius both stopped in their tracks when they saw the two of them, causing Peter to run into James's back.

"What the fuck Prongs? Don't just stop." Peter complained. 

"Where are you going?" James asked suspiciously.

"I told you, we have an essay due for potions. I was just grabbing my stuff." James nodded but made no effort to move out of the way. "James. move." 

James eyed Regulus suspiciously before stepping out of the way, allowing them through. Once the portrait hole had closed behind them Regulus chuckled slightly. "Your brother looked as though he wanted to murder me.".

"Don't take it personal. He's slightly overprotective."

"Just slightly." She laughed along with him and the sound make his heart jump slightly. "Come on we'll have to hurry otherwise the library will be full." 


He watched, with a small smile on his face, as she took in the Slytherin common room. The place was practically empty with just a few first years inside.

"It's not what I expected." She admitted. "Holy shit. Did you see that?" She ran to one of the large windows that looked out into the depths of the black lake. When he joined her she had her hands pressed against the window and was looking out into the water with a child-like awe. "Look." She pointed out the window but he couldn't see whatever it was that she was so fascinated by.

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