Start from the beginning

Then Camille started to cry again as they all looked at her "okay, say goodbye to the nice crying girl and let's go." Kelly told them turning around "wait." Logan told them as they all looked to him "we can get Camille a part in our music video." He told them as Camille stopped crying and Chloe began to shake her head "I don't think so guys." She told them but nobody was listening.

"Stall your dad until we get back." Kendall told Camille as she took her suitcase and fell over it as the boys oohed but Chloe knew she was acting as she looked to the boys "man she's good." James told them as Chloe laughed "and not gonna be allowed in your music video." She mentioned as the boys all shook there heads at her and then smiled "grab her!" Kendall exclaimed as Chloes eyes went wide "wait? What!" She voiced and before she knew it she was off the ground as all the boys carried her running to Rocque records.

Now in Gustavos office Chloe was finally back on the ground "boys Griffin just gave me a big old check to produce your first music video. The city is ours." Then the boys all began talking at once as Chloe shook her head but then Gustavo slammed his hands on the table "quiet!" He yelled as it blew all there hair back "Camille." They all told him as he sat down.

"And we don't know who's in the video, because we don't know what the video is." Gustavo told them as Kelly smiled "which is why we are meeting with the hottest video directors to find the right concept for BTR." She told them.

As they then all moved to the meeting room as they met each director "the city is ours. We start on the four boys in a car...a pretty pretty car." The man kept giving hand gestures as Chloe watched as Gustavo and Kelly nodded there heads "driving." Chloe then furrowed her brows "and?" Gustavo asked as he leaned forward "that's as far as I got." The man told them.

Until Kendall looked to Chloe as she shook her head no as he slammed his hand on the table "what if there was a pretty, pretty girl in the car?" He questioned using hand motions as Carlos turned to them smiling "yeah, like Camille from the Palm Woods..please?" He asked.

"Look, if Camille doesn't get an acting job, she has to go back to Connecticut." Logan told them as Chloe turned to Kendall "this is a music video not a charity case!" Gustavo yelled at them as he stood up "boys, as you start to get famous, people will start to ask you for favors, like a fashion photographer that wants to direct a rock video even though he has no experience." He told the boys as he walked to the man.

"So, Marcos got the job!" Marcos got excited as Chloe watched Gustavo along with the boys "no. Do you see what I did there even when Marco starts crying..." he told them as Marcos started crying, "I still say, uh no." Gustavo told them then the boys turned to Chloe "what about when Chloe cries?" They all asked as they then turned back around to see a nervous Gustavo as Chloe started to cry "no, no, no," he began to stutter as the girl cried "but...but."' Chloe told them, crying, where even the boys started to crumble.

"No, Chloe it's okay! It's okay!" They all began yelling handing over tissues as Gustavo folded as well "okay, okay." He told her then Chloe wiped her tears away "she's an exception cause I've known her, since she was five years old! Now, go tell your friend.. that she's not in the video!" He yelled as Carlos jumped across the table trying to hypnotize Gustavo "she will be in the video. She will be in the video." He told him as Chloe saw Gustavos yelling face as she looked at Kendall "we should run." Then she got up as he agreed "yep." And as they ran they heard him yell "get out!"

Back at the Palm woods, Chloe and the boys were sitting at a table by the pool "so..what do we tell Camille?" Kendall asked as Chloe laughed "oh, I don't know, the truth!" She yelled as Camille came running up "guys....I can't keep this up much longer. Can I tell my dad I got the part in your video?" She asked as Chloe was staring down Kendall as he started to break but Carlos moved him "don't look in her eyes!" He voiced.

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