[ Raven ]

Jinx blast one of her hex towards me to which I blocked before sending back a blast of my own which knocked her back.

"So... New guy huh?"

She was trying to distract me. I had to keep my head in the game.

" Seen what's under the hood?" She said she blast a hex to a structure behind me causing it to fall but luckily I dodged it.

"Shut up and fight!" I shouted in annoyance as I sent a flurry of blast towards her. Which surprisingly she managed to dodge all of them. She then hit another continuous hex at me. I blocked it but with her other hand that was free she made the ground underneath me begin to collapse. I lost my balance for a second before flying up. She followed me, being relentless as she threw hex after hex.

" Come on! Former bad guy comes around and you aren't even the least bit interested? What are you even into I wonder" She taunted. Noticing she was distracted, I lifted up a piece of boulder below her and sent her away while I go help the others. I looked around to see who need my help when I noticed Y/N wasn't around. He was supposed to be fighting Gizmo but neither of them were anywhere to be seen. So I radioed in to the team

"Anyone has eyes on Red Hood?"

They were too busy fighting the rest of H.I.V.E. . That's when I noticed Gizmo coming out of the medical institute carrying something. I would have followed him if it weren't for Jinx who threw a hex at me causing me to fall out of the sky. I panicked for a moment before flying back up. The rest of H.I.V.E began to retreat to which we all gathered up. All except Y/N.

"Where is he?"

" I don't know man all I know is that he was fighting Gizmo." Beast Boy said.

"Spread out and find him. Keep on comms" Nightwing ordered as we all went searching for him. After a few minutes, Cyborg shouted to which we all went towards him.

"Guys! Over here!"

To say Y/N was in a bad shape, would be an understatement—nearly half a building collapse on him, front first. Not to mention, cracked his only protection for his head in the process.

 Not to mention, cracked his only protection for his head in the process

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"Come on Titans. Let's head back." Nightwing said heavily as Cyborg carried the battered body of our teammate back to base.

Titans Tower

Cyborg placed Y/N's battered body on the medical table and removed his helmet. We all watched anxiously as Cyborg tried his best to stitch him up.

"We should let him work." Dick said softly as he ushered us out of the medical room. We were all exhausted. We've always been able to beat H.I.V.E but this time they seem to be one step ahead of us. Whatever we did, they've predicted.

Our Own Demons // Raven x Male Reader Red Hood//Where stories live. Discover now