[ 𝟬𝟬𝟬 ] and suddenly, all the love songs were about you

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tw none, just a snippet of chul, dasom, and hanmi

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tw none, just a snippet of chul, dasom, and hanmi

🍮 ⌜  작은 한이  ⌟  ┈─❟

Sometimes, Chul couldn't believe that he had befriended or even liked Hanmi. She wasn't a bad person or anything like that – but she was the kind of girl who always went out with the popular crowd with her being friends Eunhyeong and Chunyoung along with the other dazzling figures in the school.

And yet, here he was, walking around with her and Dasom, walking around the district to shop for clothes, courtesy of Dasom. It had taken them a while to find the place where they could shop without attracting any attention, because even in a small district with such a low number of people, it was hard to avoid being noticed, especially when they were with someone with a pretty face.

But they had managed somehow. And now they were there. And he couldn't complain.

They were still going on with their shopping trip, even after they had already bought everything there was in the store. The two girls were chatting happily as usual about whatever came to mind, while he himself was just following them, doing nothing special.

(Though he would adamantly deny that he was looking at Hanmi the longest.)


"Hey, what about this?"

Chul turns around from the clothing racks and raised an eyebrow at the sight of a smiling Hanmi who was holding up the clothing for Dasom to see.

Dasom hums, inspecting her up and down. "No, too bright. You'll blind someone soon enough."

Hanmi snorts out a laugh which was unladylike and yet it felt nice to hear such a genuine laugh.

Chul stops short.

Ah, he gets it now.

Chul remembers the reason on why he even likes her in the first place. Her smile, the way she laughs freely at what he (or Dasom) said even though it was a direct assault at him, the sparkle in her eyes whenever she gets excited and how her lips curve upwards when she smiles.

He thinks maybe he's been crushing on her for quite a long time, not just because he finds her attractive. But because he can' remember anyone else ever making him feel this way - and no one else besides his best friend, Dasom, knows.

It must be something in their personalities that is so compatible – both are very cheerful, talkative people and also have good humour. In fact, Chul often wonders whether Hanmi has a sense of humor or if she just has a way of finding things funny. He likes to watch her laugh to the point he laughs along with her.

The thought of it makes his stomach flutter, makes him wish for that day, that night, to come faster. That moment when they can be together.

"Come on," Hanmi whines, pouting cutely, "this one is my favourite!"

"No, you're just saying that because that one isn't as bright as the others," Dasom says, shaking her head. "You should try another one."

"But I really like this one!" Hanmi protests, throwing the clothes back onto the rack. "It's my favourite!"

Chul sighs, turning his gaze away as he tries to stop thinking about these kinds of feelings. They don't matter right now. He can wait. There will be plenty of chances in the future – after all, what does it take to get rid of love?

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