For most that wouldn't be a big deal, but I'm used to looking five years younger- not ten years older. I still see remnants of younger me. My pupils and eyelashes are the same, as are my eyebrows and lips.

If you'd told fifteen year old me I'd be sleeping in the White House residence, she'd ask which president it was that she'd fuck. At eighteen- I would have believed you a bit more, because at that point I was fully immersed in activism. In less than a year, I skyrocketed to the top and received a Nobel peace prize. At my acceptance speech, the prince of Sweden made a comment on how I'd do greater things. I was perfectly satisfied at the time, thinking I'd retire at twenty and that nothing could be better than receiving the Nobel.

When that congressional representative killed himself, everything changed. At the time I didn't know what it was, but I had a gut feeling that I needed to run. I didn't have to win, I decided. I had to at least try- but it quickly became clear that I would win.

The rest is history. My base of support is larger than any in history, extending beyond our borders because of my activism and commitment to world peace. My approval rating isn't quite as high a Lauren's or Kyle's, but it's only been a week. I still have four years to get those numbers up, which I fully intend on doing.

I'll do it alone, of course. I don't want to drag a spouse into it and have to hide so much from them. With Lauren and Kyle, her finding out about the Illuminati's existence nearly destroyed them. I don't want to fuck with somebody's head that much or make them think that everything was a lie.

I understand that they were together before, but I have the option to push any potential romantic partners away. A voice in the back of my head, like always- says I must do the moral thing.

"Madam President-" My head of security knocks on my bedroom door, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you alright?"

  I check my phone, and just now realize that I'm five minutes late for my first morning briefing. When I don't answer- because I've ran into my closet, Lilith bursts in. "I'm  fine-" I roll my eyes. "Just tired."

  "Do you want me to go get one of those pills?" Lilith asks. I shake my head. They haven't been tested enough yet, so I don't trust them. The pill, developed by the largest pharmaceutical company in the world- claims to rid the human body of it's need to sleep for seventy two hours. I've only used it once before- because no matter how much I've been assured it's safe, I don't trust something that alters our bodies that drastically.

  As I get dressed, Lilith stands in my bedroom, respectfully looking away. She's one I have a hard time figuring out. I asked the head of secret service to choose my head of security for me based on who was the most qualified, so she gave me Lilith's name. She graduated top of her class, is consistently the most physically fit agent in the entire organization, and isn't afraid to shoot a motherfucker if necessary.

  When I first looked at her file, I was hesitant because of how young she is- until I realized how hypocritical that would make me. Anyways, while she's good at what she does- she's always quiet, only speaking when she has to. I know it's a rule of the organization, but it's one that most agents break.

  I realize I've been staring at her- oops. I quickly look away and settle on a black pantsuit. Nowadays, I strongly despise dresses. I don't know exactly what led me to that feeling, but here we are. I glance over myself in my closet's mirror. Everything below my face looks professional- my hair could definitely use some work, but it's not like I have the time.

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