✎ On Love - Four Seasons Edition

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Timeline – Late Autumn, 2018 (A few days after 'Re-introducing Them' event)

Location – Mankai Dorm, Lesson Room

Erika: I still think this is hella weird for an actor bonding session.

Nami: Well, we can always go with Tai-san's idea.

Erika: That idiot's idea is worse. There's no way we'll strip to bond. Why do we need to do this anyway? It's not like we're not living in the same apartment.

Kimi: I think this is nice. It's not always we get to sleep in the same room. Before we became actors, we barely sit together. At least one of us would be missing.

Ayaka: Yeah, lighten up a bit, Erika. At least this is the studio. Sakuya suggested the actual stage. Maybe you like it there better, huh?

Erika: [sighs] Whatever. Wouldn't there be anyone using the studio later in the morning for practice?

Ayaka: I cleared the schedule for this studio from anything. So the guys shouldn't be coming here at all.

Kimi: What does one do during a sleepover anyway?

Erika: Beats me. Like hell I got invited to one.

Nami: Me too.

Ayaka: Me three.

Kimi: Ayaka-chan never has been to one? I thought you would since you're the one that suggested the idea.

Ayaka: I had lots of ideas for us four to bond like... going to the amusement park.

Nami: Aw, that sounds like a nice idea though. I love amusement parks!

Erika: Of course you would. Too bad Mori is scared of heights.

Nami: Oh, that's unfortunate. Maybe we can go to somewhere that is not so high.

Erika: You know what's high? My expectation on the Autumn Troupe.

Ayaka: Ooh, tea. Spill.

Kimi: I see Kazunari-kun's speech pattern has got onto you for good, Ayaka-chan.

Ayaka: He's the first friend I made in Tokyo. He was kinda different when I first met him. He's still legit nice though.

Erika: Can't say the same about Settsu. That idiot hardly changed from the first time I met him. He's the reason why my expectation dropped so low.

Nami: You met him before coming to Mankai, right, Eri-san? You said so in your portrait thing.

Erika: Yeah. I forgot that you guys heard me practicing. Can't believe we even enrolled in the same high school. I thought he would be in some random public school. He has attitude problems after all.

Ayaka: He ain't that bad. Probably misunderstood.

Kimi: I can't help but to notice how often Ayaka-chan seems to defend Banri-kun every time his name is mentioned in a dark light.

Ayaka: Well, everyone has those moments. I mean Itaru-san is literally a walking contradiction. You guys probably saw him as a trashy gamer but he is quite cool when his office mode is on.

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