Dear diary,

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This all started when my mom forced me to go outside. It was nice and sunny and I didn't really feel like arguing, so I went outside. I realised that there was a new family in town. They took the place of the Johnson's. I decided not to be rude and not talk to them so I knocked on their door and a little girl opened the door with a rotten expression.
"Who are you?" She asked me while gritting her teeth. She looked unhappy to see me.
"Well I'm one of your next door neighbours. I was just here to greet you." I answered trying not to sound mad. She rolled her eyes like she had no time for this
"Well look. We're kinda busy unpacking, so maybe you can come by tomorrow?" She grinned. As I looked in the house I saw a guy. He was a pale guy, messy dark hair and as he looked at me I stared into those mint green eyes. As I looked at him, I thought to myself, Awe dang it! He's hot! I think that I looked a bit dazed cause the little girl spoke again.
"Um, Hello?!" I snapped back into reality and the boy kept getting the boxes. I listened to her whole paragraph about why I should go away. But she was nice enough to introduce her older brother, Cooper. Damn, he's hotter close up. He gave me a small smile and held out his hand. I carefully placed my hand in his and I shook it violently. That's something I do when I'm nervous. He might of realised I had this shy expression on my face cause he said:
"Don't be scared. I won't bite! My sister will though." We both chuckled at that and she turned her head aside and then left.
"Well I should introduce myself," I stuttered "I'm AJ, your neighbour."
"Well nice to meet you, I'm Cooper!"
We stood there in silence for a few minutes. And through those minutes I thought. Woah, Nice and hot? He looked at his watch and quietly asked,
"Can I help you with anything else." I realised how quiet I was being so I whipped my head forward.
"Well, I was gonna ask if you would like to go chill with me and my friend Xavier..." I said that so hushed it almost sounded like a whisper. He hesitated. His sister gave me a death stare. She knew I liked him already?!
"I would love to but we just moved here some days ago. So we still have loads of packing to do. I hope you don't mind." I nodded my head,
"Don't worry, I understand. I might stop by tomorrow. How does that sound?" He smiled at me and agreed. As I ran back home, I was making a high pitched squeal inside my head. I need to tell Xavier!

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