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Dabi: You can't hold me back forever...

Touya: Stay out my head...

Dabi: You were stronger when you a villain. Now you're just weak...

Touya: I'm not weak.

Dabi: Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak, Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,Weak,

Touya sat up in bed as his room had been scorched by blue fire...He held his hands in his head as he held his hair

Touya: That damn quirk...Why did it have to hit me? 

Natsuo ran in

Natsuo: I heard a noise-

Touya looks up at Natsuo as he stood up and slowly walked over to hug him

Touya: I had a nightmare...

Natsuo chuckled as he hugged his shaking brother

Natsuo: Aren't you too old for nightmares? Hehe...Wanna talk about it?

Touya: Yes, please...

Natsuo and Touya sat in the kitchen with tea in front of them

Touya: Recently...I've had nightmares of an alternate me. I have scorched all over my body and I'm a villain.

Natsuo: You don't say...?

Touya: Natsuo...I feel as if these dreams are warning me about a future that may come. I don't know what to do.

Natsuo: Hey bro, you won't become a villain! I know you. 

Touya held his head in his hands as he looked at his hair 

Touya: My hair...

Natsuo: What about it?

Touya: When I saw this villain...he had black hair...

Natsuo: So...?

Touya: I dunno...I'm just saying...If my hair starts to become black or if I wanna dye my hair black. I'd like you to stop me and hand me to the police.

Natsuo: Hey!-

Touya: I hate this damn family...Don't get me wrong. But in some weird way. I love everyone here too. Shoto, Fuyumi, and you...Even Dad and Mom...

Natsuo sighed and nodded slowly

Natsuo: Hey...In good news. I made you a hero costume while I was in college.

Natsuo handed Touya his outfit as Touya chuckled

Touya: I'll bring it into school...

Touya packed the outfit and walked to the school when the sun began to rise. He arrived early to see Midoriya there as well.

Touya: Hey...

Midoriya: O-oh! Hey!

Touya walked over to him 

Touya Todoroki (SPOILERS) (What-If story)Where stories live. Discover now