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Touya's first day at U.A. began! After he got his results it was time for him to go to the top class apparently. Class 1-A...Same as his brother. Touya walked out the door as Fuyumi tapped his shoulder

Touya: Yeah?

Fuyumi: Could you wait for Shoto and walk with him there?

Touya: Why?

Fuyumi: Just for you 2 to get along a bit...

Touya: Sure...

Touya and Shoto walked towards U.A. Both were dead silent to each other.

Shoto: You remind me of him...but you don't talk as much.

Touya: Whatever...I'm gonna be honest...I don't care much for dad or mom...But I'd much rather side with dad...

Shoto: He's not our dad...

Touya: Sure...

It went silent again...Touya sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck

Touya: Is it the hair?

Shoto: What?

Touya: You said I remind you of dad...Does my hair remind you of him?

Shoto: That's partly it...

Touya looked at his younger brother. Touya was only older by 5 months this time around.

Touya rubbed Shoto's red hair

Touya: Why not shave that off if it bugs you?

Shoto pushed Touya's hand off

Shoto: Don't touch me...

Touya: Alright.

Touya walked around as he entered the classroom. His tie was a bit off as his blazer was unbuttoned and he laid his hands in the pockets of his blazer. He looked around as Tenya Iida walked over to him

Iida: Son of Endeavor! Good to see you again!

Touya: Hey Iida...

Iida: Sorry to ask but would you kindly fix your tie?

Touya: Sure...

Touya fixed up his tie and put his hands back in his pockets. He walked around the room and sat next to Bakugou and Uraraka with Jiro behind him and Shoji in front of him.

Bakugou: Son of Endeavor huh?

Touya turned to Bakugou and scoffed

Touya: Let me tell you...It isn't a kiss on the cheek.

Bakugou: Good! I'm not trying to grow up with a pussy like my dad! You're lucky. Your dad won't hold back went it comes to training. I had to naturally become this strong.

Touya: Nice. But I wasn't trained by Endeavor at all...I had to train myself. He gave up on me because my quirk was wild and I couldn't control it. I found out how to harness it so I don't burn myself but he won't listen to me...It's Shoto he cares about.

Bakugou: Who?

Touya: Half-N-Half...

Bakugou looked at Shoto across the room who was sat down and waiting

Bakugou: Ah. So you're the neglected child?

Touya: Don't give me sympathy...

Bakugou: LIKE HELL I EVER WOULD! I'm just sayin' me and you! You join me and we'll show that Half-N-Half who the real boss is!

Touya: Sure. 

From the door, Mr. Aizawa entered 

Aizawa: Welcome to the hero course...I'm your homeroom teacher. You'll call me Mr. Aizawa. Now go to the changing rooms. Find them yourselves and change into the school-provided P.E. kit. 

Aizawa walked out of the room, Touya got up and walked to the changing rooms as he looked at the P.E outfit.

Touya: I hate how this looks...

Touya sighed as he put it on and walked outside 

Touya: At least it's comfy.

Aizawa: Your first lesson with us will be the Quirk Apprehension Test. We're testing your ability with your quirks. Here at U.A, you'll be able to use your quirks more openly. Let's have an example. Touya Todoroki.

Touya perked up

Aizawa: You're home-schooled like your brother Shoto Todoroki right?

Touya: Yeah.

Aizawa: Did you ever do the Ball Throw at home?

Touya: It was about the only ball throwing I did with my dad, sir.

Aizawa passed Touya the ball and he caught it. Touya walked forward and stood on the platform.

Touya turned to the other students

Touya: Stand back unless you're looking for an early summer tan.

The students stood back as Aizawa did the same.

Touya pulled his hand back, at the last moment he released a burst of blue flames forward that flew far! The ground around Touya was scorched with black smoke trailing behind where he threw the ball

Aizawa: 709 meters exactly. Impressive.

Touya turned around and smirked at the class 

Name: Touya Todoroki

Height: 175 CM

Age: 16

Quirk: Wildfire

Description: Wildfire allows Touya to control blue flames around his entire body. Originally Touya was always burned from his quirk but he's been able to control the flames recently without hurting himself! His blue flames are between 2,600º F and 3,000º F.

Drawback: His quirk needs him to raise his body heat for him to summon flames. His second drawback is control! He can barely control his flames without making a massive mess. But this could be because of his emotions as the Todoroki's family bloodline's flames always depend on their moods. If feeling angry their flames could grow to the size of a supernova.

 If feeling angry their flames could grow to the size of a supernova

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Touya Todoroki (SPOILERS) (What-If story)Where stories live. Discover now