The yellow of your irises glowed brighter in desire until it dims out at the voice of another entering your head via a particular very adorable maid's talisman, but the message was not the one you wanted biting your lip drawing blood

Finally reaching an empty reception desk Ainz slaps the assignment on the desk the person's name who offered the job signed at the bottom acknowledging that the job had been completed

Ainz: our assignment is complete please help us keep an eye out for any new jobs.

Her eyes widen at the declaration that the assignment you three just completed what was a mithril level rank task something which should take a while, but merely completed with ease

???: ah, Sir Momon I am very sorry, but we do not have any jobs for you Sir Momon please forgive us.

Ainz: is that so-

(Y/n): Momon...

From the look in your eyes Ainz understood immediately

Ainz: I see that's good my comrade just reminded me about something I had to do I'll be returning to the inn if there's anything look for me you know where I'm staying?

???: I do, is it the Shining Gold Pavilion

He nods acknowledging her answer with a turn his crimson cape swaying in the motion bringing his voice down to a whisper

Ainz: I want you to show them our military might.

(Y/n): nods" 'order Gargantua to move out and summon Victim as well once Cocytus returns, all the floor guardians will move as one in a true show of power.


(Y/n): hm...Albedo isn't here?

Ainz: we've been gone for two weeks I assumed she would be excited to see you again.

(Y/n): perhaps she is with Sif.

Ainz: perhaps...are you going to change your outfit?

You look down at your "nobleman" outfit the one you use to play your role of huntsman while it would've been a hassle to change it did have a few tears in it and would very much like to return to your main armor

(Y/n): I will, I guess I'll see you in a few minutes.

In a truly act of awkwardness you two teleport into the same hallway since he did have your room moved closer to his giving each other a small awkward laugh before moving to your door opening it

Albedo: welcome back, Lord Gier.

(Y/n): 'ah, so this where she's been waiting for me.'

Albedo: would you like dinner? a bath?

(Y/n): 'she used to do this more me sometimes...bad, stop thinking of the past!'

With the quietest tone he can muster Ainz whispers to you as he walks past your doorway

Ainz: I am so sorry...

You close the door with you leg shutting yourself inside your room with her, oh how the fly innocently accepted the spider's hospitality

(Y/n): what are you doing?

Albedo: I'm playing newlyweds Lord (Y/n) I've heard people say that this is the best way for a newly-wedded wife to greet her husband after he returns from a business trip, do you like it?

You give her your best smile crouching down grasping her hand you swear you heard her heart skip a few beats

(Y/n): that was quite a charming welcome Albedo, and I would like the second one if you mind.

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