(His outfit)

Damn, we do look good.

"Alright I'm driving," I grab the keys off the hook. "So you better be ready."

"Yeah, c'mon." Clay said walking over to me.

He put his arm on my shoulder and leaned on me. In that moment he filled the silence with the unspoken words of...

"I'm staying around her all night!"

"Awe don't you look like a couple." George laughed and I just glared at him.

"Yeah, a couple of assholes!" Nick laughed harder.

"Hey!! Assholes, really!"

"Yeah, we've seen you play video games." George walks over and grabs my keys.

"Excuse me." I snatch them back before he can get far with them.

"What? I was just trying to leave. I wanna goo!" He whined at the end and I looked at this grown man with a face of pure confusion.

"Alright, man-baby let's head out." I start walking and Clay catches up with me.

"So which place are we going to?" He smiled, showing his perfect teeth.

"Mm uh, we're going to one called The Hoster." I press the unlock button on my car and it makes this mechanical sound of licks unlocking.

"I call SHOTGUN!!" Nick yelled and pushed Clay aside.

"Bahahaha! Damn football Sap just wrecked your ass!" I laughed with George.

"Shut up." He wiped off his pants and got back up.

I opened the driver's door and got in with Nick taking the front and the two lovers in the back.

++++++++++++Drive time+++++++++++++

We pulled up to Hoster and it was a shitty name but hey, the booze was good.

I got out of the car and heard three more doors slam. "Hey calm down on the car!" I glared at them.

"Wow, you sound like a dude." Nick laughed. "Whatever." We walked up to the door and the guy recognized me. As a usual.

"It's been a week damn. Oh, and you brought some friends." My friend Jason said, "Yeah, so I'd appreciate you not letting them know I'm a regular Jesus!" I could hear the three overgrown toddlers snickering behind me.

I turned and rolled my eyes. "C'mon-wait." I turn to Nick. I lean in and whisper, "Do you have a fake?" I pull back and he gives me a look.

"I don't know if you forgot but you're 20 dipshits. Not 21 so do you have a fake ID just in case?" He gives me an "oh" look.

"Yeah I got one, give me a sec." he grabs his wallet and takes out a pretty convincing card. "Okay, good let's go."

I walk back up to my buddy, "So is everyone above age?" he smiles at me.

"Yup! I'm not gonna bring underage people here. Who do you take me as-wait don't answer that."

"Alright I trust you but I have to check that guy's, he looks too young." I follow the finger of the bouncer to not Nick but George.

I stifle my laugh and nod. "Do what you gotta do." I walk through the door with Clay and Nick as the oldest out of us gets his ID checked.

Immediately as I walk in, the sound of the music is overwhelming.

It was some do shit, but kinda a bop.

"Let's grab some drinks." I heard Clay and nodded in the direction he pointed.

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