"Hey, are you feeling alright sweetheart?"

Trixie's delirious mind snapped awake in that moment, turning excitedly to face the person who'd spoken. Someone she didn't know looked back at her, a face that showed no warmth despite the concerned question.

"Oh...no I'm...I'm okay...thanks"

"Let me give you a lift home, you don't look so good" the guy who'd caught her drink spoke, his expression disturbingly earnest. This didn't feel right.


"Oh come on, it's no trouble baby. Let me help you"

The girl opened her mouth to speak, or whisper, or shout, or say anything in response. But nothing came out. She couldn't string the first thing together in her mind anymore.

The stranger hoisted Trixie up by the waist, invasively clinging as he did. They began to walk, and as they did Trixie completely lost control as that hollowness from before opened into a sinkhole. The panic she felt was indescribable as she tried and failed to resist, her limbs merely shuffling against his foul grey t-shirt.

"If you don't walk normally, I'm going to fucking kill you" He spat silently into her ear, feeling her resistance. The words felt like they left 3rd degree burns inside her ears from his harsh breath.

He lead her out through the door, not a single soul batting an eyelash at what was happening. Trixie Mattel felt her consciousness slipping away dangerously fast.

"Do something please, anything." She choked at her lifeless limbs, "just FUCKING MOVE"

Then the lights turned off.

--- TW over ---

Katya's POV:

"So what did you want to talk about, exactly?" Adore sighed, rummaging in Katya's pocket to take out her cigs as they walked out into the crisp night air, a breeze so light and quick it made the air whistle. The garden was far too busy, each table and area packed with rowdy smokers and party crowds. They shuffled around for a few minutes before managing to catch the spot just left by a batchelorette party.

"Fucking klepto" Katya rolled her eyes, lighting her own straight as she did.

"This was for you pinching mine earlier, actually" Adore snorted, "don't think you actually got away with that"

The Russian smiled faintly, letting the smoke curl out her lips as she sat on a free table across from her friend. Adore seemed well today, having a good time was her forte of course, but she seemed particularly at ease. Katya liked when she was happy.

"I hope that Australian bitch looks after Mattel" She groaned after a moment, glancing through the window to try and catch a glimpse of them through the forest of drunks packed inside.

"You're not her goddamn Mom, Kat" Adore groaned, tapping her ash, "I know you wanna get in her pants, but the girl can look after herself"

"Oh I don't doubt that for a second" She agreed "what I do doubt is that Courtney won't bring some shady characters in and not call them out when they make unsolicited advances"

"Well we can go back in and stop that scenario if you'd just get on with it. What's the tea babe?"

"This was a bad idea"

"I um, I know when I say this, you're gonna laugh"

"I mean probably, but you should still say it" Adore replied encouragingly, "I can tell whatever this is had really been bothering you"

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