Meet and Greet

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All of you slowly trickled into the big theater esque room. It closely resembled a medium large theater aside from the missing curtains on the stage.

There was a long table with a bunch of chairs positioned beside each other and microphones in front of it.

A guy stepped up on the stage and tapped the microphone a few times until the theater slowly grew quiet aside from a few murmurs, coughs and excited giggles.

"Ahem, yes. Hello everyone! Welcome to the Meet and Great of your favorite celebrities, the Apex Legends!"

The crowd burst out in high energy cheers, deafening the silence in an instance.

"I don't want to make this too long, since you know, I gotta catch my private helicopter up on the roof," he said the last part quickly while readjusting his shiny watch, "Here's how today will go down. This Meet and Greet will have two parts. Three if you have payed extra."

I raised an eyebrow at Faye in question who was sitting beside me, I saw Daisy mirror the gesture. Faye's mouth was agape. "I..I didn't know there even was a different kind of ticket for this event!"

Apparently she wasn't the only one not being aware of that fact since I could hear multiple people panic.

"First there will be a Q&A. You can ask a question to the legends using the microphone that will be passed to you once the legends have chosen you. To be chosen we ask you to please raise your hand and most importantly, don't yell. A quick disclaimer you beautiful people, we cannot promise all of you who have questions will actually be able to get a turn. Please be understanding, yes?"

"Next the actual meeting and greeting will happen. I will divide you all in half, and no not literally. No need to get anxious now," he let out a laugh at his own... joke if you could even call it that. "The first half will form a line and one by one will you go up to the first legend in the row and make your way down as you meet and greet them. And yes, you can ask for autographs or even selfies. However, no personal details will be shared such as phone numbers."

"This is where it ends for most of you. However for those of you who have the golden ticket, literally, there is a third part. After the official meet and greet is over, you will stay behind and have the chance to get more personal with the legends. You will get in the bus with them and be driven to a firing range where you will get a crash course on some of the weapons found on Apex battlegrounds. The legends will be your personal instructors."

Gasps were heard all over. You even heard some sniffles, people were crying at the missed opportunity. "Now, now. I'm sure you'll get another chance to get your hands on these golden tickets," the guy said when he noticed the source of the teary sniffles.

"Right about here," he stretched out his arm towards us, "that's the division. You're group one and you are group two." You looked at where the line was dividing the crowd and realised Faye and you were in group one with Daisy being seperated into the second group.

He clapped his hands and his empathetic expression disappeared just like that, "Well then! Assuming you don't have any questions I will be off. Have fun!" He winked and hurried off of the stage.

Slowly the murmurs of the crowd picked up once again. Faye was about to apologize to you until she got interrupted by yells and screams of adoration. You quickly turned your head to the stage and you saw all the legends, minus the one called Revenant, trickle in one after another and take a seat. Mirage was hyping up the crowd by raising his arms, asking for more applause. You saw Octane walk in and flash the rock and roll sign with his hands as he jogged in place. Him and Mirage made the ladies in the crowd flip out and had some boyfriends turning their heads at them. At this point you used your fingers to protect your precious ears from any more damage.

Life Turned Green (Octane X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ