Chapter Fifty Two

Beginne am Anfang

"Yeah, I know."

"Do you want me to stay away from her?" Maddie asked quietly.

"I won't lie... I'd rather you did. But..." I suddenly had to pause to stop myself from crying, and I didn't know where the feeling came from. "If you want to see her, that's up to you. I won't stop you. I'll just have to kill her if she upsets you."

Maddie grinned. "Yeah, right."

"What you thinking?"

"Dunno. I'll see how I feel, I don't know just now."

"Okay. Do you want some painkillers?"

"No, ta."

"Right, stay there a second though, you need some TCP or something for your face, those cuts look awful."

"No way, it stings like crazy!"

"Tough, either I do it or dad will, and you know he'll hurt more."

"Fine." Maddie scowled. "By the way... tell Perrie I'm sorry from me?"

"There's no need, she's not bothered."

"Is she still here?"

"Yeah, were going out later, she's still asleep though."

I was sat gently dabbing at the cuts on Maddie's face with a clump of cotton wool when Lauren breezed in, fully dressed and wide awake.

"Well, well, well." She smirked at me. "Good morning, stud!"


"You know what I'm talking about." Lauren winked.

"Oh god." Maddie muttered, but she was grinning at Lauren, as if waiting eagerly for her to continue.


"You know, Jakers, you know! Get you acting all shy and innocent now... only a few hours ago..."

"Lauren, shut up!" I hissed, catching on.

"Yeah, that's right! I heard you... you sex maniac!" Lauren burst out laughing, leaning on the side of the sink for support.

"Oh god." Maddie said again, standing up with a shudder. "I think I'll go back to bed."

"I'll make sure this one keeps the noise down." Lauren quipped, and Maddie left the room in a fit of laughter.

"Lauren, what the hell?!"

"I couldn't resist... oh my god, what did you actually do to poor Perrie last night? Woman sounded like she was being tortured!"

"You are not in the slightest bit funny." I muttered, going to the fridge for no reason, I just needed to hide my burning face.

"I disagree; I'm quite hilarious."

"Oi, I'll have you know he did a fine job." A familiar Geordie voice spoke up, and I went even redder, turning to see Perrie leaning against the door and smiling. "Best I've ever had."

"Good, I'd hate to think me and Alfie were kept awake for no reason." Lauren laughed.

"Alfie heard too?!" I groaned.

"Yes he did." Alfie came into the room, trying to flatten his hair, and all three of them laughed even louder.

"Kill me now." I muttered, grabbing some orange juice.

"Aaah babe..." Perrie skipped over to me and cuddled into my back while I made a drink. "I love you really."

"I bet you do." Lauren said, making a purring noise in her throat.

Nothing Else Matters - Perrie EdwardsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt