Tom's girl (Mob boss!AU, Tom Holland)

Start from the beginning

"That's exactly what I wanted to do. You've got me." He chuckled and nodded.

"Except for that you didn't account for the fact that I'm. Not. Interested." I spat.

"Come on, love-." My eyes widened as he put his hand on my waist.

"Wow, no." I scoffed, making his eyes widen as I grabbed his hand and twisted his wrist as I stood up.

"Fuck, let go, shit!" He exclaimed as I twisted his wrist and almost broke it.

"Little tip for free. When a woman says no, she means no, asshole." I snapped before letting him go. He sunk to his knees, groans of pain leaving his lips as I downed my drink and grabbed my purse. I pushed my way through the crowds and to the back door that led to the hotel corridor, my hand pushing the door open. The sound of the music got considerably quieter as it swung shut behind me and I pressed the button for the lift. I puffed out as I waited for it. I had intended to have fun tonight, but all I wanted to do now was relax in mine and Tom's room upstairs. After all, he owned both the club and the hotel upstairs. It was a great cover for the mob, not that it mattered anymore, everyone knew who Tom was and knew that he owned this place, and so it was no secret anymore that it was all a front. The lift opened and I climbed in before pressing the button for our floor. My eyes widened and a scream left my lips as the guy from the club slipped into the lift just before the doors closed. His hand landed around my neck, making me cry out as he pinned me to the wall of the lift.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled.

"Fuck that. You probably thought that you were being so smart, saying no to me, you little bitch. Exactly what you said was going to happen will still happen, it'll just be unwilling on your part now." He spat in my face, making me gulp and clench my jaw as I turned my face away from him as much as possible. The lift pinged and the doors opened, making me look up. I breathed a sigh of relief, the man also looking to the side to see Tom, Harrison, and three of Tom's men stood there, waiting for us.

"Hey, Tommy." I puffed, making the man's eyes widen. Tom clenched his jaw at the man, his hands stuffed into his trouser pockets as he squinted his eyes.

"Grab him." Tom demanded simply. The man's eyes widened further as Tom's men grabbed him and ripped him off of me, making me gasp and cough as his hand finally came away from my neck.

"You okay, love?" Tom gulped as he rushed into the lift and gently took my face into his hands. I returned the gulp and nodded as I put my hands over his.

"I'm alright. A little shaken up, but I'm fine. He didn't do anything to me." I shook my head.

"That won't change the fact that I'll do a lot to him." He mumbled, making me chuckle and bite my lip as I leant up to kiss him.

Tom and I got out of the car, the gentle breeze blowing my hair slightly as I shut the door. I walked around the car and gave Tom a small smile as he extended his hand to me. I took it and he intertwined our fingers as he started to walk us towards the bank of the Thames. I couldn't help but smirk slightly and bite my lip as we walked towards Tom's men tying up the guy who had tried to assault me, moans and whimpers leaving his lips as he tried and failed to get out of their grasp. He looked up, his eyes widening as he saw us.

"P-please, Mr Holland, I didn't realise that she was your girlfriend!" He cried. I scoffed and raised my eyebrow, Tom returning it as he looked at me.

"Did you hear that, babe? Because he didn't realise that you were the girlfriend of the biggest mob boss in London, it's okay that he tried to rape you." He nodded.

"I guess that a woman should only be safe from assault if she's dating a powerful man." I continued with the sarcasm.

"I-I wasn't actually going to do anything, I swear! I was just looking for some fun-." Tom cut the man off as he laughed loudly and threw his head back, making me smirk and bite my lip as he got his carton of cigarettes out.

"Do you fancy a cigarette, love? Because I know that I do." He nodded.

"I could use a smoke." I shrugged. He nodded again as he took two cigarettes out of the pack before putting them in between his lips. I continued to stare the man down, making him whimper and choke as Tom lit the cigarettes. He breathed in the smoke and handed one of the cigarettes to me before exhaling it back into the night air.

"You see, mate, when I want to have fun, I go out and get pissed with my girl, or go play golf with my brothers. What I don't do," Tom started as he leant down and pressed the cigarette butt into the man's leg, making him scream loudly as it burnt his skin.

"Is try to rape a woman." He spat.

"Please, Mr Holland, please!" The man cried. I rolled my eyes and put the cigarette in between my lips before inhaling the smoke. Unfortunately, this asshole wasn't the first to try something with me, and he wouldn't be the last, but one thing that I always noticed was that they were never remorseful until we were here. On the bank of the Thames, with Tom about to drown them for trying to assault me.

"Any last words, prick?" Tom spat.

"Please, I swear to god, I'll never even look at your girl again, I promise, please-."

"That's not good enough, mate. I'd need you to promise to never try and assault any woman ever again. And frankly, I don't think that you can truthfully promise that. Chuck him in, boys." Tom ordered before turning back to me.

"No, please!" The man screamed, his cries becoming muffled as Tom's men put a hood over his head. I gave Tom a small smile, my lips blowing out the smoke as he walked towards me.

"I'm sorry that that happened, darling. And I'm sorry that I wasn't there." He shook his head as his hands cupped my waist. I shook my head and gently held his face.

"You were there when it mattered, Tommy. It's okay." I reassured. He gave me a small smile and nodded, making me bite my lip as I leant up to kiss him.

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