Letter # 2

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Dear Garret,

Thank you for coming to my dance concert. I love dancing so much and want to share it with as many people as I possibly can. I think it's cool that you and Andrew take so much time to watch me. It means a lot to me.

I like having you in the audience. I always try to do better when you are there. No good reason, I just do. It's different having you in the audience than my mum. Mum is obligated to enjoy it. You're not. I want to make it worth while for you since its a good 45 minute drive each way at the least.

I'm grateful that you came again. This is only the second one you've come to. I think this one was better than the last. And you could actually see me relatively easily this time!

I had a lot of fun choreographing two dances for other dancers and I. Jar of Hearts seemed to fit the theme really well, and I've wanted to do a dance to it for a long time. Monster also fit the theme. I thought it would be a fun thing for Caleb and I to do because we fight a lot, but at the end of the day, we are friends.

I really enjoyed my solo. In a way, it was for you. This one line says it all

'Love has made me a fool'

I can't think of any other explanation as to why I can't seem to forget about you. It's not a normal crush. While I flirt and see other guys, you're always there in the back of my mind. Seeing you drags all the previous feelings I thought I had pushed down come back. I can't help it, and neither can you.

When I came up from the dressing rooms, you were the first person I recognised. It's probably because you're a giant. I was smiling because I had such a fun time; then there you were, making me smile even more.

You had a big smile on your face. You told me you enjoyed it. You and Andrew said you had fun. I'm glad you did. You gave me a hug. Or we tried. It's hard because I'm 5'1.75" and you're 6'3". Either way, it was sweet, and I'm glad you came.

I've showered and run around today. I can still feel your fingers on my skin. I can still feel your hug. I still hear your voice. I still hear your voice. I still see your smile.

I won't forget this night, Garret,


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