Make'em Listen

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You've been sitting on the couch watching Orange is the new Black, waiting for your superstar husband to arrive home from one of his rehearsals.
You hear the front door of the hotel open and you spring up, but quickly pause the show before coming up to him pecking his cheek.

"How was rehearsals, baby." You ask in a loving way following him as he goes to the fridge.

You notice a sudden change in his behavior and step back and you stop following him, you touch his shoulder try to turn him around.

"Michael, what's going on, what's the attitude for?" Your voice is a bit stern with one hand and you hip and the other is on the edge of the counter.

"Y/N, back up off me okay, I'm not in the mood right now." He shakes you off him and moves away near the door that goes to the bedroom in the large hotel room.

You follow him and block the door getting in his face which is something you almost never do when he doesn't give you eye contact when speaking.

"Michael! C'mon." You whine, and exclaim. "What going on with you?..." You bring his face up to your face so you can see his eyes and wait patiently for an answer.

He exhales giving up, and slightly annoyed. "They don't listen to me, they aren't taking orders correctly. Girl, the press is getting to me and I'm tired of it all. I don't know what to do anymore..." he says looking you in the eyes and you can see the sadness within them making you shed a tear at his exhaustion.

He's been through so much, with the press and the tabloids, and he just wants it to be over. He won't let you say anything to them that will ruin him or label you because if anyone says anything offensive about your husband you go apeshit on their ass. You don't understand it though.

You tightly embrace him, and both of you walk over the couch sitting down with his head on your shoulder and you run your hand through his long wavy dark hair.

"Well...your only human so there's only so much you can do about the press and shit else they have up there black and white asses. So what can you do about the people your rehearsing with?" You say to make him feel a bit better since he's so down about it all, and you hold him tighter.

"I try but some are starting to believe these stupid tabloids, some quit because I kept making them do things more than once, but I don't know if I can change the fact that I am just a perfectionist." He says shrugging his shoulders and looks at you. You sit up and tell him sit up to and look him in the eyes with a complete straight face.

"Michael, you take them off your payroll if that's what their gonna do. If your have to kick those people of your team and have no dancers or backup singers then so be it. You are Michael freakin Jackson, so be Michael Jackson and show them whose boss. If they want to believe the pussy - press people then let them but don't let that affect you. If you need to slip on those Ray bans to shield your eyes from the bullshit then do that. Where did Michael Jackson with the rhinoceros skin go? The Michael Jackson that went hard for your fans, your family....for me?" You see a year escape from his eye. You've never really see anyone go this hard on him for anything work related accept Joseph and you never wanted to be that for Michael but there are entertainers who get told that what they see and hear about themselves is fine and that they should sit back and watch it pass.
You hated that and you wanted Michael to have that authority in his life that told him that he needed to be a bit tougher on people who pissed him off if they hurt him, because it hurt him. It killed you to see him struggle when it came to likability, but all he ever wanted was to be loved. Not everyone will love him, and if that was the case you wouldn't just let people treat him like shit if they didn't.

"I've gone soft, haven't I?" Michael sits back and look up at the ceiling.

"No, your perfect babe, but I get so angry when you get treated like shit and just sit there and take it. If I can't cuss those money hungry weirdos out then you'll have to yourself." You say taking his hand and stroking it gently.

"I can't cuss them out. You know that. As much I would want to, I'm not like that, at all." He looks at you and sighs heavily.

"But you get my point right? I meant for it to be stern and all but not like that entirely, but it hurts me the way they treat you like an animal in a luxurious zoo or something with cameras all up in your face. It ain't nice." You let a dash of your Indiana roots sprinkle on your last words and that lets him know that your serious because you never really use it anymore.

"Thank you Y/N. I think I needed that. I mean I didn't want to hear it, especially from you, but it needed to be heard. Thank you." He says, and leans in to kiss you, which becomes heated and you catch your breath to mumble "I'll always be there for you, no matter what." He says a little breathy and goes in for another kiss but you stop him.

"I mean it, don't let them catch you with you guard down. Okay? Hear my words." You poke him in his chest going back to your stern voice.

"I love you, girl and yes I hear yo words." You laugh at his little slang. You make sweet hot love till the break of dawn.

❤️please VOTE, and tell me how this imagine was?....❤️

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