Always-PerpetualJordan x WhoIsBellaKeith (#Beldan)

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Jordan's Point of View
I scrolled through my Twitter feed with anger and sadness, as I saw my ex girlfriend Blaise (I through my name in there because YOLO) had changed her Twitter bio, stating that she was dating some twat named Andrew. We had broken up a month ago, and promised each other we'd still be friends, but of course not many 'friendships' last when the two exes become 'Just Friends'. I hadn't been over her since the breakup, even though all my friends have told me to move on, but "who could I move on to?" I questioned myself.

I decided to give up on Twitter and see Instagram, and it was if my whole entire world had changed by seeing '@WhoIsBellaKeith's Instagram selfie. My god, she was gorgeous. Her smile was a book of 1,000,000 words that I was dying to read aloud, but "Wow" was all that came out of my mouth. I headed back to Twitter, and immediately found her page. Her name was Bella, it meant Beauty in Spanish, and meant more that that to me when I decided to DM her after noticing she followed me back.

"Hey, I'm Jordan" I casually said.
"I guess I'm Bella, Hey, aren't you a YouTuber?" She had replied back. Holy shit, she knows me from YouTube, score one for Jordan I guess!
"Yeah, I also Stream on Twitch, But I'm not important,"
"You seem interesting Jordan, You seem so sweet, and sort of a total flirt."
PSHH, Me? A flirt? Did she just call me a flirt?
"I gotta go, but here's my skype," I said messaging it to her.
"Alright, I'll keep in touch with you." Her last message had read. I sighed at the fact it all happened so fast, and that moment repeated itself for the whole week, until we started to Skype daily that next month.

It had been months after I started to talk to Bella, best decision I've probably ever made since... what was my ex's name again? Oh, it didn't matter anymore, Bella was the only thing that did matter to me. One day while talking on Skype, I did something I won't ever regret.
"Bella," I seriously said.
"Jordan," She said laughing.
"I wanna ask you something, really very important to me" I had said.
"Where is this going Jordan?"
"Do.. um.. Do you..."
"Do I what?"
"D-Do You.. S.."
"What are you trying to say Jordan?"
"Jesus Christ Jordan, what are you trying to tell me?"
"Do you ship #Beldan?" I blurted out. Beldan? BELDAN? REALLY JORDAN?
I mentally said to myself. She had started to giggle as I was frustrated at myself. The giggle turned into an adorable laugh, and the only thing that makes a girl more attractive is her laugh, but was she laughing at me, or laughing with me? I wasn't even laughing until I guess I just started laughing along. She paused in her laughter, to surprise me with an answer.
"You're adorable Jordan, and Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." She smiled and blew a kiss to the screen.

From then on, I made a promise that Bella Keith would be the only one for me, always.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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