" Coming.." I pass through.

I see Principal Mr. Randolph Anderson marching up to the stage.

" Ladies and Gentlemen and my dear students, it's a great pleasure to welcome you all to one of the top university of our country. The Hunsberg University. "

Everybody claps and cheer.

" One of the great things about our university is that our children here will have abundant opportunities to flourish as a student and as a person.

Most prime ministers, parliament members, and business tycoons have graduated from this university. Now your arrival at our university marks a new chapter in the story of your life."

My eyes twinkle, listening to his words attentively. A proud feeling growing root on my mind.

I've made it this far. I will pave my way further too.

Principal Anderson spoke more about Hunsberg University and achievements. Rules and regulations and how much they expect great things from us.

Anna was busy staring at people around, Evelyn and Ron looked they will doze off anytime soon.


I smile in awe and concentrate back on principal's speech.

" I'm proud to share that....We have bagged the highest inter college ranks, states ranks and once again being the rank 1 college of our country.

This certainly wouldn't have been possible without our committed staff members and meritorious students our university. "

" I want to honour our praiseworthy students among us. Please fresher's applaud your seniors, take them as your inspirations and once again upraise our Hunsberg University. Let the felicitation begin!!"

There were loud cheers and applaud around. Hailing Hunsberg University.

" Oh my god I can't wait to see him!! My eyes are going to be blessed today. I'm going to die!" I hear a girl near us squeal, almost bursting my ears.

What the hell?

See who?

" I heard he topped again, smashing records after records?"

" Of course. He's ranked 1 in hierarchy set among elite students here, even though he just completed 2nd year. It's no ordinary. They say he's not a boy but a living God!"

A girl boasted as if she owns that guy. I creased my brow, curiosity hijacking my brain. Who is that guy?

Anyways...who cares..

I clapped for each seniors, listening to their achievements. I was impressed. Students here, inherit high IQ's along side their parents' massive bank accounts.

" Now I want to address the person we all have been eagerly waiting for. I feel very honoured to share the achievements of this brilliant student. Who has once again made Hunsberg University proud! "

Vincent!     Vincent!    Vincent!  Vincent!    
              Vincent!        Vincent!    
Vincent!          Vincent!           Vincent!         Vincent!  Vincent!             Vincent!

There's a sudden breakout of chants sending a zap of shiver run over my skin.

Vi... Vincent?

" He has once again bagged rank 1 position in inter-colleges. Not only in academics but also in extra curricular activities. "

" Winning several competitions of national science projects and fairs, lifting up our university name. He's truly an inspiration....teaching us, studying in a particular branch is never a limit to knowledge and excellency.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 27, 2023 ⏰

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