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7:30 AM

I just woke up and I already feel like this is going to be a good day. I mean, Fridays are always amazing days, right?

"Oh hello Yeosang!" I said to my older brother as I was pouring some milk into my cereals.

"Greetings. Since mom and dad are going away to have some time on their own, they told me to keep an eye on you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeosang, I'm 16. What do you expect me to do? I can live on my own." I told him.

"Well that's what you think. Dad didn't let me live on my own until I was 18."

"That's because they didn't trust you. You would literally enter bars illegally with a fake ID for hours and you always came home extra drunk. I wonder why they didn't trust you."

"For your case woman, do I have to remind you that you're part of the Kang family? We all have stunning visuals. And we're all scared you'll end up bringing tons of guys home and end up being a prostitute."

I almost barfed at that.

"OKAY OKAY I UNDERSTAND! Anyways I'm not hungry anymore." I said before taking my belongings and exiting the house.

8:50 AM

I still have 10 minutes left before poetry class starts. I'm glad I arrived early.

As I was about to take a quick nap on my desk, three familiar figures were standing in front of me.

Kili, Junghwan and the one and only, Haruto.

"What do you guys want? Can't you see I'm exhausted?" I said while yawning.

"No hugs today, wow Sena." The girl said.

I immediatly stood up and hugged each of them.

"I think Ruto missed your hugs. Yesterday when you hugged him for the first time, his ears turned so red." Junghwan said, exchanging a look with Kili.

"I mean So Junghwan, that's the effect I have on people." I said, flipping my hair jokingly.

"And also, it was pretty awkward so that must have been why he was embarassed." I added.

"Exactly that's why. Thanks Sena, I couldn't find the exact words to explain the reason I was embarassed." Haruto said.

I mean.. it's not everyday you get to hug a beauty.

Poetry class ended pretty fast for some reason, but there still was Korean class before the long awaited lunch time.

Haruto's POV

12:11 PM

I was eating alone in the school's garden as always when a girl in a flowery dress ran towards me.

Kang Sena.

"Hiyah! Why are you eating alone?" She said, her arms wide open.

"I guess I don't like being around too many people." I said, not pulling away from her embrace.

Why is she so.. small? She fits in my arms so perfectly.

"Ruto.. this is the longest hug I've ever been in." The girl said, letting out a slight laugh.

"Oh I'm sorry.. I didn't realise how long we've been like this. It's my bad."

"Hey hey hey, who said I was complaining?" Sena added.

"Actually, Kili is waiting for me at the fish pond. Wanna join us?" She asked me.

"Sure, it's better than being here alone, I guess."

As we were walking, on our way to meet Kili, my hand brushed against hers, which sent a shiver down my spine.

"You can hold my hand if you want, don't worry." The short girl said.

Hold your hand?

Since she proposed, why not?

We were approaching the pond slowly, swinging our linked hands together as we were rambling about random stuff. I learned that she has an older brother, which I find pretty cool.

We then unlinked our hands as we were now close to Kili.

"Hi! I hope you don't mind but I brought Haruto as you can see." Sena said while hugging her friend.

As we were talking and having fun, some unfamiliar boy approached us.

"Kang Sena? Am I dreaming?!" The boy said, smiling widely at the girl.

"Seongmin!?" She said, hugging him while he was spinning her up in the air.

Once she was back on the ground they held hands while reuniting.

Beside me was standing Kili. She seemed super happy and her eyes were sparkling.

"Oh my oh my! SEONGNA SHIP IS BACK AGAIN!" She said, jumping multiple times.

For some reason this made me feel somewhat irritated.

"You shouldn't feel so special. She hugs and holds hands with everyone." I blurted out to the boy, realising that I shouldn't have said that.

The boy turned towards me while smilling, his hand not leaving Sena's.

"I should've introduced myself earlier. I am Ahn Seongmin. Nice to meet you."

"Haruto." I said coldly.

"Nice to meet you once again. I think should go now. Sena, you've got my number so don't hesitate to text me if you want to hangout or just talk." Seongmin said, winking at Seona.

Seongmin and Sena were now waving at each other as the boy was walking away.

"Sena.. I didn't know he came back! Why didn't you tell me!? Kili said, whining at her bestfriend.

"HEY! Don't think I knew he was back!" Sena told her friend.

"Haruto, to put you in context, Seongmin has a huge crush on Sena, as we all know. And Sena does too. They've been close for almost two years, telling everyone that there's nothing more than friendship between them but.. We all know there should be more for sure. Since then I ship them together, and everyone does. So since Seongmin is back, everything should spread like wild fires, if you ever hear about the Seongna ship, well that's them! Also credits for the ship, I'm the one who created it." Kili explained to me.

"Well Min Kili, I'm sorry if this seems offensive to you but, you have no taste in men." I said to the girl.

"I do have taste! Look at them!"

"I don't think so. If you'd have taste, then you would have shipped me with Sena."

"Haruto, there are two reasons why I will never ship you two. Well, three reasons. First of all, you and Sena have just met so that's a nono. Second of all, Watanabe, you're too handsome. You're not too handsome for her because nobody is handsome enough for our dear Sena but, you're handsome enough for the normies at school. So if you would ever date Sena, I am worried your fangirls are going to ruin your relationship. And finally, Seongna supremacy." Kili explained. 

Before I could add anything, a cough was heard.

"Why do I always feel left out pfffft." Sena said while laughing and walking away, followed by Kili.

I believe I am handsome enough for Sena.. I mean...

a/n: Wowowo (let's pump it up) there are a lot of new characters introduced here. Well only two characters but shhhhhh. So yes Yeosang is Yeosang from ATEEZ and I picked him as Sena's brother because he's a Kang too and since the Kang family are v i s u a l s well who is a better visual than Yeosang? No one? Yeah that's what I thought. Also, Seongmin is Seongmin from CRAVITY. ANYWAYS STAN ATEEZ AND CRAVITY. 

"Hugs." ;, Haruto Watanabe  ☁✧حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن