Haruna: "Sure thing commander!"

After cleaning up the office, they went to the cafe. When they arrived, they saw Mamiya, the owner of the café, sweeping in front of the store.

Mamiya: "Welcome. Oh, its you commander. And Haruna too."

Haruna: "Hello Mamiya! How have you been?"

Mamiya: "I'm doing just fine. Kongou and the others were here a few hours ago."

Haruna: "Really? I see..."

Mamiya: "Anyways, what brings you here? Are you on a date with the commander?"

Haruna: "N-No! We just wanted to... Uhh..."

Her face was bright red. Atsuki looked at her a bit confused.

Atsuki: "Hmm? What's wrong Haruna? Do you have a fever? Why is your face red?" He said as he placed his hand on her forehead.

Haruna: "I-Its nothing! Anyway, why don't we take a seat?" She said trying to change the topic. Mamiya just looked at them with a smile on her face.

Mamiya: "Very well then. This way please."

She then led them to a table and soon after they sat down.

Mamiya: "So, what would you like to order?"

Atsuki: "Hmm... What would you like to order Haruna?"

Haruna: "Uh, I would like some dango and a cup of tea please."

Mamiya: "Okay. What would you like commander?"

Atsuki: "I'll order a cup of coffee, please."

Mamiya: "Okay then. Anything else?"

Atsuki: "I think that's all."

Mamiya: "Then please wait a moment."

Mamiya then went to the back to prepare their order. While waiting, they had a small conversation but they didn't know someone was spying on them ever since they left the office.

A few minutes later...

After chatting for a bit, their order arrived.

Mamiya: "Here is your coffee commander, and here is your dango and tea Haruna" she said, placing their food on the table.

Atsuki: "Thank you Mamiya."

The two then began to enjoy their food.

Haruna: "Mmm~ These dango are delicious! Hmm? Would you like to try some commander?"

Atsuki: "No, it's alright. I'm not really hung-"


Atsuki: "Uhh..."

With a smile, Haruna took a piece of dango and tried to feed Atsuki.

Haruna: "H-Here commander, s-say 'ahh'."

Her face was bright red.

Atsuki: "It's alright Haruna. I'm not really hungry."

Haruna: "C'mon Commander. Say 'ahh'"

This is so embarrassing... Why am I doing this... Haruna thought to herself.

Atsuki: "O-Okay then. Ahh... Mm. Oh! It is really good"

Haruna: "R-Right?"

Atsuki: "Hmm? Haruna, why is your face red?"

Haruna: "I-It's just really hot in here!"

Atsuki: "I-I see..."

After finishing their food, Atsuki paid the bill and then they left the café.

In the hallways...

As they were walking in the hallways, Atsuki felt like someone was watching them the whole time but he quickly shrugged off the thought and began chatting with Haruna.

What are those two Talking about? I never thought she could be so assertive with the commander!

Fubuki: "Kirishima-san, what are you doing?"

Kirishima: "Hwah!!! Oh, it's just you, Fubuki. Don't scare me like that!"

Fubuki: "I'm sorry. I was just curious what you were doing."

Kirishima: "Fine, I guess I can tell you. Can you see them over there?" she pointed to Haruna and Atsuki.

Fubuki: "Uh, isn't that Haruna-san and the commander? I don't see anything weird."

Kirishima: "Well, I saw them at Mamiya's café a few minutes ago and they were acting all lovey-dovey!"

Fubuki: "Really?! Are they dating?"

Kirishima: "I don't know about that. That's why I'm spying on them."

Fubuki: "I see..."

Suddenly, Fubuki's face turned pale.

Kirishima: "Hmm? What's wrong Fubuki?"

Atsuki: "So it was you who was spying on us."

Kirishima: "Eep! C-Commander?!"

Atsuki: "What are you two doing, spying on us?"

Fubuki: "We were trying to find out if you two were da-"

Kirishima quickly covered the little destroyer's mouth.

Kirishima: "We were just curious what you two were doing! Anyway, we have to go now. See you!"

The two quickly ran off leaving Atsuki confused.

Haruna: "Commander? What were doing just now? And weren't those two Kirishima and Fubuki?"

Atsuki: "Yeah, I don't know what were they doing though."

Haruna: "I see."

Suddenly, Atsuki's phone rang.

Atsuki: "Hmm? Who could this be?" he said looking at his phone.

Atsuki: "Hello. Yes, this is Atsuki. What?! Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can!"

He then closed his phone with a worried look on his face.

Haruna: "Commander? What's wrong? Who was that?"

Atsuki: "That was one of my neighbours. She said that my mother collapsed on the porch while watering the garden. She was then sent to the hospital."

Haruna: "Oh no..."

Atsuki: "I'm sorry Haruna but I have to go now."

He then quickly left the base and went to straight to the hospital.

Hello everyone! That was today's chapter. I'm sorry that it took so long but I'm finally writing again! Anyway, I hope to see you all next time.

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