we're back, bitches! -fluff

Mulai dari awal

You walked away and started aggressively sobbing towards Octavia's tent,where you found her looking at a notebook.

,,Jeez,do you not know how to knock?Oh shit, y/n what happened?" She asked worriedly.

You sat down and explained to her and she gave you a big,warm hug,before telling you about her grounder boyfriend.

,,O,are you mentally sane?Seriously,are you on something?"

She sarcastically laughs and says:
,,He's not like the one that hurt Jasper.He saved me.If it weren't for him,I wouldn't be alive."

You sighed.
,,I guess I don't have any other choice but to believe you,don't I?" You said with a small chuckle.
,,Is he hot,at least?" You added.

,,I literally hate you." She said while laughing her ass off.

After spending time with her,you both decide to leave her tent after hearing that Bellamy's recruiting people who are willing to hunt.

,,O,let's do this,please.I can't stand eating berries anymore!" You said jokingly.

,,Sure thing,I would've went without you but I'm glad you're coming.Let's show that douche Murphy what he's missing." She said with a big smirk.

You smiled back and went to Bellamy together.

,,Hi there,mind if we tag along?We'll be pretty helpful as a duo." You say looking at Octavia.

,,O,you're not going." says Bellamy in a cold voice.,,Neither of you are,actually." He says pointing his finger at you.

,,Come on,Bellamy.I swear we will stick by your side and won't get in your way.Please?"you said.

He sighed,finally giving in:

,,Alright.But if you mess up,you owe me a sword.I know you know how to make knives out of scrap,so you should be able to do a sword too.Deal?"he asks.

,,Deal." You say,shaking his hand.

You were in the forest with the other hunters when you suddenly hear the crack of leaves behind you.You turn around immediately,only to get tackled down by a what looked like a black panther.You scream,struggling,before slashing the panther's throat and getting covered in the animal's blood before pushing it off of you.

The rest of the group rushes to your side and Bellamy says worried:
,,Y/n , are you alright?We heard your screams."

,,Pfftt.It was nothing,look at what I caught!" You say,excited.

,,Good job,y/n.We're eating good tonight,and it's because of you." Bellamy says,while both him and Octavia pull you into a hug."

On your way back,you hear a scream.

,,Get the food to the camp and try not to die!" Bellamy shouts.

As you were running you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your shoulder.Looking down at it,you see an arrowhead sticking out of it.You scream in pain and stick your hand out to hold your shoulder,only to have another arrow put through your stomach.

,,God fucking damn it!" You shout in pain.

Bellamy looks back at you and runs at you,picking you up bridal style and saying:

,,I'm not leaving my people behind.EVERYONE CONTINUE MOVING,WE'RE CLOSE!"

The last thing you remember is getting through the gates and hearing someone shout:

,,Y/n?What the fuck happened out there?!" a kid shouted-a voice you immediately  recognized as being Murphy's.

,,Get her into the dropship,now!" Clarke yells,and suddenly everything goes black.

~ fourteen hours later ~

Your eyes finally opened up,wincing in pain as you looked around you.To your right side was a sleeping Murphy and to your left,Octavia braiding her hair.

,,Hi,O." You said,smilling through the immense pain. 

,,Y/n!"Octavia shouted,hugging you almost immediately.

,,Ow!My shoulder and my stomach still hurt like hell,you crazy bitch." You say laughing.

You both laugh.

,,Y/n?" The boy beside you spoke.

You eyed Octavia and she left the dropship,leaving you two alone.

He grabbed your hand and you looked into his ocean blue eyes.

,,I'm so sorry,y/n,I didn't meant what I said,I was just so scared that if we're still attached to eachother,losing one another would be too painful to overcome.I was a coward,y/n.I didn't mean any of it." He says,his voice breaking towards the end and tears streaming down his face.

You could tell he was sorry and you just couldn't be upset at him anymore.

,,Do you still love me?Care about me?" You say in a weak voice.

,,I love you,y/n.And I promise to never leave you again.I thought I was goint to lose you,I'm so so-"

You cut him off by pressing your lips against his,feeling him grab your neck to deepen the kiss.
After what felt like forever,you finally pull apart for air and look at him,smiling.

,,You really caught a big ass animal tonight,by the way.I'm proud of you." He says with a small chuckle and sniffle from the tears of before.

,,Yeah,I know.I'm a pretty badass girlfriend,aren't I?" You say laughing.

,,The most."

,,Forever?" You ask.

,,Forever." He says grabbing your hand.

1478 words :)
pls lmk if u liked this! <3

EDITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang