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Ight uh here we go I guess


1,872 ❤️ 255 💬Littlefoxprince so do we like the new chains?

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1,872 ❤️ 255 💬
Littlefoxprince so do we like the new chains?

The young boy shoved the chains and short shorts back into the big flat ish box. He closed it and slid it under the bed. He pulled the cover down quickly as there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Come in!" He jumped up onto his bed in some sweatpants and a loose shirt.

"Hey Innie, guess who posted again!!"

"Harry Styles?!?" The boy squeaked in a joke excitement.

"No, better!"

"I'ma be honest hyung, nothing is better than Harry Styles." He laughed as the older boy gave him a fake glare.

"What about me?!"

"Your alright I guess. And besides you probably love that little fox boy more than me!" He pretended to dramatically fall onto his bed.

"No way, jose! He's my internet husband-"




"and your my best friend! Nobody will ever beat you!" He climbed to lay on top of the boy, his chin on the younger's chest looking at him.

"Sure, cuz you totally wouldn't sell me to a cracked out pedophile to meet the kid"

"I would not do that!"

"You literally tried to! Chan hyung almost killed you because of it!"

"Ok, look, I was desperate and he said he knew him-"

"THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE!!" the younger dolphin screeched causing the boy to cover his mouth in annoyance.

"You are so loud." He cringed and the younger only started at him and licked his hand causing him to pull his hand back and wipe it on the bed.

"Wait no hyung- ew!!!" The younger squeaked as Hyunjin pinned him down and licked up the side of his face, leaving a trail of saliva on his cheek.

"That's what you get for licking my hand."

"You put it on my mouth! You were practically asking for it! Now, get off of me!!!" Jeongin squirmed starting to wrestle with the boy.

They pushed and pulled each other on the bed letting out loud laughs as they fought for dominance. The younger managed to pin the older boy on the bed, holding his heads by his head and straddling his stomach to keep him down.

"Haha I- win. . ." The boy grew quiet when he saw the evil smirk on the older's face.

He knew he was about to get folded. He realized that Hyunjin had let him win the fight.

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