Made In Heaven: A Birthrite Series Short

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Cover Design and Art by Rowen Poole, Tiffany Apan, and Dreamstime

This is a work of fiction. All incidents, dialogue, location, and characters, with the exception of some well-known historical public figures, locations, or events, are products from the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Where real-life historical events or public figures appear, the situations, incidents, and dialogues concerning those persons and events are utilized fictitiously and are not to depict actual events or change the fictional nature of the work. In all other respects, any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Author’s note: This is short story is a missing scene/preview from/for the first book, Descent (The Birthrite Series, #1) that takes place between the last chapter and the Epilogue in that respected book. This story does include some spoilers, though I did try to maintain ambiguity wherever possible. If you don’t want to know a single thing about Descent before reading it, stop reading now. But if you have already read Descent or haven't but aren't bothered by spoilers, then read on. :)

I will also be including this story at the end of the forthcoming Descent hard copy (due out in March of 2015), so no one will miss a thing.

I released this as a free ebook to select retailers on Valentine's Day and am now also making it available on Wattpad. Enjoy!

Plains, New York

Valentine's Day in 1932


A half moon cast its light upon the wintry blanket covering the town of Plains in New York state. Cold breezes made their way down the sidewalk on Muholland, passing the recently vacant Blake residence before turning onto Elm Street.

About a block down from the Livingston Museum (former holiday home to James Livingston, who had founded the town in the 19th century) stood the Johnson residence, a two-story colonial brick house. Only one member of the family was left inside on this evening, and he was making himself ready for a night he knew would be a life-changing one.

Eighteen-year-old Reginald stood in front of his bedroom mirror, combing pommade through his light brown hair. Taking in a breath, he regarded his reflection, contemplating what lay ahead of him, hoping he wouldn't lose his nerve.

Since that previous summer, he had been saving the money earned from his job at the five and dime (or at least what he was able to keep after helping his parents with household expenses), making tentative plans for this very night. The day the stock market crashed - a day also know as "Black Tuesday" - only a little over two years prior ushered in a recession and many changes. Times were tough and for most families, money was tight. Thankfully, this town was one with a strong sense of community; most were willing to pitch in and help out if a neighbor was in need. Many also volunteered their free time at the soup kitchens in the city. But much more floated beneath the surface, and it was brought to light for a select few just before Thanksgiving.

Ever since that night back in November, there seemed to be a shift in Plains and its residents. This was especially so with Luis Kratz and Paul Turner, the fathers of Jimmy and Carl, two of Reginald's closest friends and former schoolmates.

Anytime Reginald saw Mr. Kratz and Mr. Turner, both men regarded him rather oddly, as though on the cusp of fully understanding. Reginald was still haunted by what had happened to Jimmy, and felt guilty for keeping it from Luis. Even with Paul Turner, Reginald dealt with an inner struggle as he knew Carl's true whereabouts. The other residents had simply accepted the story of Carl and Jimmy running away to Elkton, Maryland and eloping with their girlfriends (even though it made very little sense if one really stopped and gave the matter thought).

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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