Chapter 2

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Maxon's P.O.V.

"Congratulations, Kriss, Maxon." America curtsied and left

Rude girl.

My eyes fell on Kriss again. Was she standing taller? Looking more confident? She was most definitely a princess.

I leaned forwards to kiss her.

"Maxon!" She giggled, putting her hand to my mouth

"I have a right to kiss my fiancee." I pouted

"Not in front of everyone." She smiled cutely

How could I ever think of America as more? 

"Shall we go inside, my dear?" I asked, offering her my arm

"We shall." She smiled, accepting my arm

Silvia came over to us.

"Hello Silvia. Do you need something?" Kriss asked

"You. Wedding prep." Silvia ordered

"Bu-" Kriss argued

"No buts." Silvia said, sweeping my bride away

I sighed and continued on.

"Maxon!" Father called

"Yes?" I asked, turning to face him

"I told you to pick a useful one." He growled

"I picked the one I wanted by my side." I said, continuing to my office

"That five was better." He spat

"She was a cheater!" I yelled, losing my cool

"She was what??" Father asked, eyebrow raised

"She cheated in the Selection." I huffed

"How did she cheat?"

"Disrespect. Now leave me alone." I grumbled, walking away

~~~~~Timeskip To Night~~~~~~~~~~

"Kriss, my dear, what are you doing?" I asked, Kriss was dragging a chair up to the collage of photos hanging on my wall

"I don't really likes these photo's up here. A lot of them are........... America." Kriss sighed, reaching for one where Marlee and America were laughing behind the set.


"Please?" She pleaded, giving me big eyes

"Tommorow." I sighed

She blew me a kiss and started towards our bed.

She crawled into my arms.

Soon, we were both asleep.

"The next princess of Illea is......... America!" I announced

The room erupted in cheers, unlike my announcement to my engagement to Kriss.

"America! America! America!" They chanted

America beamed at me. 

I saw Kriss crying in the corner and a man in a black coat hovering over her, comforting her. He stared at me with piercing green eyes. I stumbled back into America's arms.

"You ok?" She smiled, eyes sparkling

"I'm fine." I smiled back

So we danced the night away

The dream shifted

Me and America were in the courtyard. But something was wrong.

Someone stepped around the corner and pointed a gun at me. I looked at America, scared to death.

The rebel's eyes became amused and he slid the gun slightly to my right. He fired and America fell to the ground, gasping. The rebel lowered his hood to reveal tanned skin, green eyes, and light brown hair. Someone familiar.


I woke with a start.

Kriss looked up at me groggily.

"Maxon?" She mumbled

"Go back to sleep." I soothed

Her head dropped back down onto the pillow. I tried not to toss and turn but it was no use. Around 1 a.m. I pulled on a robe and headed down to the kitchens.

And what a surprise was there.

There, in the kitchen, was America, scarfing down strawberry tarts.

"America?" I asked, trying to keep the disgust out of my voice

"Maxon!" She blushed, trying to swallow quickly

"What are you doing here." I demanded

"I forgot a few things. And a few goodbyes." She said, looking down

"What are you doing in the kitchens." I asked again, snatching a tart

"I... I had a dream." She said, avoiding eye contact

"What was it?" I pressed

She looked reluctant.

"Spit it out." I demanded

"You." She said simply


"You. You chose me. And then a rebel shot me." She sniffled

I froze. My dream.

"Well, news flash, I didn't choose you so take these and go to your room. I want you out by tomorrow." I said sharply

She sucked in a breath.

"Go!" I barked

She snatched the tarts and ran.

I slumped and reached for a slice of mango.

A man in a guard uniform came in.

"Your Highness." He bowed

"Hello Officer....." I looked for his name tag

"Alex. Officer Alex." He said

He rose and I got a good look at him.

I shrieked.

He had light brown hair and piercing green eyes.

"Sir?" The man asked

I just shrieked. The crown king of Illea shrieked. At a guard.

"I'm fine." I sighed

Alex shuffled his feet.

"I'd like to meet with you about security." I mumbled

"Excuse me?" Alex asked

"I'd like to meet with you about security. Today 10:00 a.m. sharp at my office." I said

"Ok, sir." He bowed

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