J.A.M. Session ~ H.H.

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Today is Piper's first JAM session, so I took it upon myself to drop her off. And by that I mean my mom demanded me to do it or she'd ground me. So here I was, dragging Piper to the JAM session room.

"Hey. So I'm here to drop her off," I trailed off as I entered the JAM session room, gesturing to Piper. I didn't realize how many people were in this class.

"This session started 15 minutes ago," the instructor informed us.

"We would've been here sooner if my bonehead of a dad took a shortcut! I kept telling him-" Piper cut herself off as the instructor sprayed her face with something. "Hello everyone. My name is Piper," she calmly greeted.

"Hi Piper," the class echoed.

"Can I borrow that?" I asked, pointing at the spritz bottle of miracle spray.

"No. NO! I am not going in there!" I heard a girl scream.

"Jade! It's for....your own...good!" another girl screamed back. "Andre! Beck! Robbie! Help! Where's Cat and Tori?!"

"Sorry, sorry. I'm here. C'mon Jade! You have to go to this JAM class!" a brunette girl grunted as she pushed a girl with teal streaks in her hair into the room.

"I do not have anger issues!" the teal haired girl, I'm assuming was Jade, insisted.

"Yes, yes you do."

"Yeah you do."

"Tell that to my left eye!"

"You threw Trina in a well once."

Their words overlapped as they spoke. "No one likes Trina!" Jade shouted.

"That's true."

"You're right."


Their words overlapped again. I looked at the group, examining them. One boy was dark skinned with braided hair, another boy was tan with brown, wavy hair, and the last boy was pale with curly, brown hair. One girl was tan with brown, wavy hair, another girl was pale with black hair and teal streaks in her hair, another girl had a paleish tan skin and red straight hair, and lastly a girl with s/t (skin tone) skin and h/c, n/h (natural hair: wavy, straight, etc.) hair.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer," Jade hissed.

"Ok, go sit down," the tan boy told her.


"-Sit!" the tan boy cut her off.

"Fine," she grumbled, taking a seat next to Piper.

"That's Jade. She'll be attending this class regularly," the h/n (hair name: brunette, blonde, etc.) told the instructor.

"Regularly?! Why?!" Jade exclaimed.

"Because you need to learn how to stay calm and NOT THROW SCISSORS AT PEOPLE WHEN YOU'RE ANGRY!" the h/n screamed.

"I don't throw scissors at people when I'm angry!" Jade protested.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to my eye!" the boy with curly hair countered.

"You didn't let me finish. I do it for fun," Jade finished. Ok, she's scary.

We were finally able to get Jade into the JAM classroom. By we I mean me, Andre, Beck, and Tori. Robbie and Cat were more like cheerleaders, but Rex didn't say or do anything, which is strange because he's always talking.

"Did you hear that?! She threw the scissors at my eye for fun. FOR FUN!" Robbie whined.

"Yes, Robbie. We were all there," Tori replied.

"We're lucky Beck's her boyfriend. Otherwise we'd probably have to knock her out to even get her to step foot into the car," I joked.

"So what are you guys doing for-" Andre started, but cut himself off. He was looking curiously over my shoulder, so I decided to follow his eye line.

I turned to see a cute dirty blonde staring at me. I smiled at him, waving slightly. His cheeks tinted pink, but nevertheless, waved back.

"Ooh! Who's that? He's cute," Cat's airy voice broke the silence. She started walking, well skipping, up to him. "Hi! I'm Cat!"

"Oh. Like the animal?" he asked. Wrong question to ask, bud.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Cat gasped.

"N-nothing. I love cats," he awkwardly smiled.

"Me too! They're so adorable!" Cat cooed. I decided to save the dirty blonde from Cat's confusing mood swings.

"Hi, I'm Y/N. Jade's sister. The scissor girl," I stuck out my hand for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Henry," he introduced himself, shaking my hand. His hands are extremely warm. I didn't want to let go. We looked into each other's eyes. His honey brown eyes piercing my e/c ones. We stayed like that for what felt like hours but was probably only 30 seconds.

"I'm Tori," Tori intervened. Damn Tori. "That's Robbie, Andre, and Beck," Tori pointed at the boys. "Jade was the black haired girl with blue streaks."

"Gotcha," Henry nodded. "What's with the puppet?" He pointed at Rex. Oh boy.

"He's not a puppet!" Robbie complained.

"Yeah! I'm a human being!" Rex added.

"They get offended when you call Rex, the puppet, a puppet," I whispered to Henry.

"Oh. Sorry Rex. Uh, I like your shirt," Henry complimented. Rex scoffed before whispering something to Robbie. Robbie looked at Henry in disgust before walking away. "Did I do something?"

"I have no idea," I answered.

"We better get going," Beck told us.

"Yeah. Sikowitz assigned us that improv assignment," Andre reminded us.

"Right. Well, I gotta go. Bye Henry," I waved.

"Wait!" he stopped me. I hummed in response, waiting for him to continue.

"We'll be waiting in the car," Tori winked before walking with the rest of the group to the car.

"Can I get your number? So we can get to know each other?" Henry nervously asked.

"Yeah sure," I nodded, taking a pen and paper, writing down my number. "Bye," I smiled, kissing his cheek before walking to the car. I looked back at him, where he was frozen in his spot, pink, smiling softly as his hand trailed up to where my lips met his cheek. I continued towards the car, bracing myself for the teasing. Once I entered the car, it was dead silent. I sighed. "Bring on the teasing."

(In the first episode of season 3, Henry and Jasper sing a part of 'Five Fingaz to the Face' which is an original song in Victorious, so I'm convinced that they're in the same realm thing. Although the ages don't match the timeline at all just go with it. I hope you enjoyed!)

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