Premiere Night ~ J.N.

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(Fair warning there are a lot of pics in this one. And by a lot I mean A LOT. H/n means hair name like brunette, blonde, redhead, etc.)

Tonight is Jace's premiere for Bixler High Private Eye. As his girlfriend, of course I was going to be his date. I was out shopping for a dress with Ariel Martin (Baby Ariel), who portrayed Kenzie Messina on BHPE. We were skimming different racks of different colored dresses. Jace said I could choose the color because he could easily find a matching tie. As I was flipping hangers after hangers, I found this one dress that looked perfect for Ariel. It was a white to aqua gradient with a floral bodice.

"Ari! I found something I want you try!" I squealed. 

"That's a really pretty dress, but you should be looking for dresses for you too. You're going to the premiere too, you know," she teased.

"I always end up critiquing how a dress looks on me," I sighed.

"You shouldn't. You look beautiful in all of the dresses you try on," Ariel assured.

"That's a matter of opinion," I muttered, but she unfortunately heard.

"Just find a dress and try it on. I bet you'll look gorgeous. try this one," Ariel spoke, taking a random tulle blue dress from the racks. It had gems cascading down from the neck hem with a silver gem floral around the waist. I sighed, but nevertheless took the dress to the dressing room. I changed into it, looking in the mirror. To my surprise, I didn't have anything to critique. "Did you put on the dress?" I heard Ariel ask from the other dressing room.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Ok, we'll walk out at the same time. On the count of 3," she suggested.


We both walked out of the dressing room. Ariel's jaw dropped. I was squealing at Ariel in the dress. It was made for her. "It's perfect! You should buy it!" I squealed.

"Y/N M/N soon-to-be-Norman, I don't give a crap about what critiques you have, you're buying that dress," Ariel stated. I blushed at the name she used instead of my real last name.

"I don't know. There might be a better dress. Maybe they have this in-"

"Stop talking and buy the goddamn dress. It's the one! I'm not letting you buy any other one," Ariel insisted.

"Fine, I'll buy it. Just let me text Jace a picture so he knows-"

"Don't give him a sneak peek! Just tell him the color. He needs to be surprised," Ariel told me.

"What if I just took a close up of the fabric? It wouldn't give away what the dress looks like," I suggested.

"Fair enough, just don't send him a full picture of the dress," Ariel said.

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