41. be patient

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"Welcome to my second home!"

The door to the apartment flung open, hitting the wall with a soft thump. Charlotte held her arms open proudly and browsed her eyes over Sheila and Matthew. They were both exhausted, eyelids dropped with sleep from the naps they'd taken on the plane. Charlotte had been far too excited to sleep and was still riding out the high from her energy drink. It left a crisp, warm taste in her mouth and she desperately needed water.

Matthew cheered half-heartedly, hand pumping a fist in the air. Sheila yawned into her palm, "Cute. Where's the bed?"

Charlotte clasped a hand back around her suitcase handle and tugged it in behind her. She abandoned it by the door, along with her shoes, and led the two further inside the apartment. It was her third time living in the house, though- this time- Cecelia wouldn't be staying with her. She was somewhat sad by the change, but CeCe and Aisha were staying across the hall, so it wasn't too upsetting.

Charlotte heard two other pairs of shoes hit the floor and the floorboards creaked. Sheila fell by her left shoulder, Matthew trailing further behind.

"This is the master bedroom," Charlotte pointed at a door as they passed and noticed Matthew veered inside.

"And this is mine?" Sheila nodded at the door up ahead.

Charlotte assured her with a wave of her hand and Sheila tossed the door open. "Night, Char."

"Goodnight," Charlotte giggled quietly. "Remember, nine AM. Table read. Be ready by 8:45."

"Yeah, yeah," Sheila's voice trailed off as she delved deeper into the room.

Charlotte circled back to the master bedroom, pushing the door open further. She went to say his name, to ask if he needed anything, but Matthew was face-down on the mattress. Charlotte smiled to herself, squatting at the side of the bed where his head was facing. She touched his forehead, brushed the hair from his face.

Matthew fidgeted at her touch, eyes opening, "'M still awake if you need me to do something."

"No, sh," she cooed, thumbing his cheek now, "go to sleep. I'm gonna get a shower."

"Kay," his eyes fluttered shut again.

Charlotte leaned forward, bracing herself against the bed, and laid a soft kiss to his hairline. She stood up and traced her steps back to her suitcase. Her duffel bag and carry-on sat on top, and she reached for that latter one.

Charlotte always packed the first-night's essentials in her carry-on because it made things easier- especially when their arrival time had been 2 AM. It was only 3 now, but she couldn't sleep with oily skin and greasy hair.

Charlotte showered, a short, methodical one that allowed her to sink into bed beside Matthew ten minutes later. She plugged her phone in, tugged the bracelets and rings off of her fingers, and nuzzled into the fresh pillows provided for them. Her eyes fell shut quickly and she felt her falling to sleep. Then, the bed shifted and Matthew rolled over towards her.

His breath fanned over her face, fingers clutching her waist until she was against his chest. He tucked his nose to her hair, right above her ear, and whispered a, "Goodnight, I love you." Charlotte kissed his neck and recited the words before falling to sleep.

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