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The Parents from Shoyo and his little Sister Natsu had broke up before Natsu was born. She never really had spoke to her father from face to face so that as her father told them, that he wants custody of her it shocked everyone from the gingers.
After many and long court hearings, he was finally given custody of the then 9-year-old and took her to Germany where he lived. Natsu didn't wanted to leave her Family or Japan in general. She wanted to go after her brother and become a Volleyball player.
The nine year old was told that the kids at school where going to bully her because of her hair color, why her father practically forced her to dye it brown. The actual reason was, that he wanted her to look more like him.
She barely could talk to her brother and mother anymore and it was pretty difficult for her to learn how to speak, write and understand German. Her grades dropped which leads to not play Volleyball whenever she wants to, but when her grades were good.
And without realizing it or any contact to her friends in Japan she turned 15.
It was a pretty normal day for the teen. Waking up at 5am, a bit of practice, shower, Breakfast, leaving the house at 7:33am to the bus stop, arriving at the school at 7:55am and starting classes at 8am. The only difference about that day was, that she was going to have a practice match with her Team.
At 1:10pm the bell rung the end of the school day. Natsu ran to the gym at the back from the school, next to the elementary school. That was something she took long to learn.
The school system.
It was very different.
At the age from birth to 5 you can go to the Kindergarten. You can go, but you don't have to. In the Kindergarten in Germany you play all day long but you don't learn much, that has to do with school.
At the age from 6 to 9 you go to elementary school and at the age from 10 to 14/15 you can go to a secondary school. In 9th grade you can graduate if you want, but you can also make the 10th grade, if you go to a, like it's called in German, Realschule. But you can also go to a Gymnasium, for smart kids, there can be more grades till the 13th and you can make your so called Abitur.
If you want to go to a University you have to make your Abitur. There is more to explain about the German school system but even Germans have problems to sort all of it out.
She reached the Gym as the first, why she begins to stretch.
"Du bist heute aber echt früh dran Natsu. (You're early today Natsu.)", greeted the coach, who is actually just her English teacher.
"Wir waren früher fertig. (We finished earlier.)", Natsu answered.
Not long after that the rest from the Team came and they drove of to the Gym from there enemy's school. The Match was hard, but they won with 29 to 27 in the 2nd and with 34 to 32 in the 3rd set.
The odd thing was, that her Father said he would pick her up, but he didn't. The brown haired girl had to wait until 4pm for the next bus to her home.
Natsu was really pissed because of that. She was angry at her dad, for breaking a promise and herself, for trusting him. Why did she thought he would change? He could never change.
Little did she know, that her dad wanted to change, but hasn't had the chance to do so.
At 5:56pm rung the bell. A bit hesitant had she opened the door. In front of her were two police officer.
"Sind Sie Natsu Hinata? (Are you Natsu Hinata?)", asked the blond police officer.
"Ja bin ich. Ist irgendwas passiert? (Yes I am. Did something happen?)", answered Natsu.
"Es gab einen Unfall. Ihr Vater hat es leider nicht geschafft. (There was an accident. Your Father didn't made it.)", explained the other officer.
Natsu nodded with tears in her eyes. They explained some other things and then said there goodbyes. As they left Natsu went to her room and immediately called her mom.
She didn't care, that it was 2am in Japan. All she wanted was someone from her family, a hug from her older brother would be perfect, but he was ten thousands kilometers away.
After the 3rd attempted call she decided to try and call her brother. He picked up after the 3rd ring.
"Hey Natsu. Why are you calling so late?", Shoyo immediately asked. "Natsu are you crying? Is everything ok?"
"Dad he... he had an accident. Shoyo-", Natsu hiccupped.
"Hey calm down. Is he ok? Are you ok?", he asked.
"Shoyo he is dead.", Natsu answered after she toke a deep breath.
"He is? But then you're alone in Germany right? Natsu are you coming home?", he asked after a few minutes of silent.
"I don't know Shoyo."
They talked a while until Shoyo had to end the call. That night Natsu haven't had much sleep. All these questions were in her mind.
Should she go back to Japan?
How should she tell her mom?
What will happen, if she leaves Germany?

Timeskip to the next Morning:
Natsu woke up at 8am. She didn't even bother to get ready instead she, again, dialed the number from her mom.
"Natsu? Is everything ok?", her mom asked.
"I'm directly coming to the point. Dad passed away.", Natsu answered. Silence for about 2 minutes.
"Are you coming home?", her mom asked again.
"Yes. I booked a flight for after the funeral. I'm in Japan at Friday.", she answered.
"Ok. I'm going to pick you up. At what time are you here?"
"Around 12am and please don't tell Shoyo. I want to surprise him."
They talked a bit more. As they had ended the call, Natsu began to plan the funeral and pack up some things. The school had gave her free days, because of what happened. She also explained everything, that she was now going to do to the principal and signed off from school.
Thursday came faster then she thought and without much time she was standing there. In front of the grave from her father.
The past 5 days she had packed everything and already send some of the things to Japan. It was 10am so she had 6 hours till her fly to Japan.
The funeral was finished at 11am, but Natsu was there until 12am. As she got home she showered and changed into this.

She packed the last things and then went to the airport with a Taxi

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She packed the last things and then went to the airport with a Taxi. She had a Non-stop fly so she would arrive after 12 hours.
During the fly she mostly slept so that the time difference doesn't bother her to much. After 12 hours of flying she finally arrived at 12am in Japan.
"Good to see you again Natsu.", her mother said as she hugged her, after she had found her.
"Yea good to see you too mom.", she answered.
"Your so grown up.", her mother smiled at her. "Did you dyed your hair?"
"Yea, but I want to change it back to orange. I liked it better before. Say when does Shoyos practice end?"
,,At around 3pm.", her mom answered and carried her luggage.
"Can we go to the hair stylist and than surprise him at the end of his practice?"
"You can do that Natsu, but I need to go back to Miyagi. Your brother can drive you back or you take the train. Her is some money for you. See you later Sweetheart.", her mom said goodbye.
After that Natsu went to a good Hair stylist, she knows because of her brothers best friend Kenma. She went in and immediately saw a familiar face.
"Miwa is that you?", she asked happy.
"Oh my god Natsu you are so grown up. When was the last time I saw you here? Six years ago?", Miwa answered as she hugged the teen.
"Yea, but we face timed a lot with Shoyo and Tobio.", Natsu laughed.
"Say what brings you here?"
"I moved back her, because of some family business. I tell you more later. Also I want my hair back to it's original color."
With that Miwa sat her down on a free chair and worked on her hair, while they talked about what happened in the past years. For Natsu it was a good feeling to be back by people she loves, even if it now is just Miwa. She loved Miwa like a big Sister.
One and a half hours later she was done and Miwa had lunch break, so they both went to a Café near the Gym her brother had practice.
"Say Miwa. When had you moved to Tokyo? You never had told me about it.", Natsu asked.
"Two or three years ago, I think. I just found a better job here, so I moved to Tokyo.", she cheerfully answered. "Ah look at the time. My lunch break is over. I hope I see you around Natsu. Bye."
It was 2:30pm, so Natsu still had half an hour till her brothers practice ended, so she went to the mall for a bit. At the mall she found pretty plugs for her Piercings. Yes the little sister from Hinata Shoyo everyone thought was innocent, had Piercings. To be exact she had a belly and a tongue Piercing, but also some at her ears.
She bought the plugs and then went to the next shop, because she needed a new charger. After she had brought a new charger, she went to the Gym, where her brother had practice. As she got closer to the entrance, she heard her brother.
"Please Atsumu-san. Just one more toss.", she heard him whining.
"Hinata. Were all tired, how do you have so much energy?", asked Atsumu.
"Please Atsumu-san.", her brother begged.
"Jesus Shoyo. Give them a Break not everyone can have so much energy like you.", Natsu chuckled, as she went into the Gym.

1723 words

I hope you liked it.
Feel free to correct me.
Keep healthy.
Dear wishes and till the next time👋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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