Its 1 am

4 1 0

- do you actually care
- I wonder how life would be without me
- dads suck
- I don't know what I did to you, but honestly at this point idec anymore
- it's not my fault you decided to have a kid
- I wish you would just leave me alone
- dude I don't think people understand how much music helps
- I wanna be alone
- the only reason I ghost people is bc sooner or later they are going to ghost me so I feel like I have to do it first yk?
- don't say "I love you" if you don't actually mean it
- i don't say I love you back bc there's a different meaning behind it
- can you just stop acting
- "I am sorry I am am such a bad parent" yk what yeah you are I am the KID I am not supposed to be here to make you feel better about your problems and decisions your a adult
- "all you do is be in your room" I wonder why
- I wish everyone would just stop screaming At each other
- I wish I could stop thinking about you
- if only you knew how much I think about you
- kinda wanna block everyone and runaway

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