~*~Chapter 13~*~

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Yeah, you all probably aren't expecting this ending...


~~Kendall’s View~~

“I hate this.” Madison said as she looked down at the bulge on her stomach. She is now three months pregnant, and she has hated every second of this pregnancy. I know she never wanted kids and all, but I never knew she would treat the pregnancy like it was a curse instead of a blessing. Well, maybe the timing of the pregnancy hasn’t been the best.

“Madison, you’ll see how everything will just get…”

“..Worst over time?” She said before I could say better. I sigh, looking at my girlfriend as she had her hands on each side of the little bulge. “Kendall, do you have any idea how scared I am because of all of this?” She asked me, the fear suddenly filling her eyes. I sigh lightly and walked up behind her, placing my hands on hers and my chin on her shoulder.

“Why won’t you believe me that everything will be alright?” I asked her softly.

“Because I don’t want to be pregnant.” She said simply and looked down at her rounding belly. “…And because I’m afraid of losing you.” She added with a small sigh. Right, that fear of losing the one she truly loves still lingers around in her head because of what her parents went through.

Speaking of her parents, her dad still hasn’t allowed her to move back in with him. But my mom was welcoming enough to allow Madison to live with us ever since that night we came clean about the pregnancy. However, my mom still isn’t the happiest person about. But she’s happy to see I’m happy, and she’s trying to get Madison to see it won’t be so bad, just like I am.

“I’ll never leave.” I said to her in a soft whisper.

~*~Madison’s View~*~

Well, later that day, Ms. Knight had left to do things with Katie and Kendall, Carlos, and Logan had to catch up on harmonies. Which left me alone in the crib with James. Yay…

Don’t get me wrong, I love James as brother. But he really has changed in a way that I’m not too sure about. I preferred the flirty James, not this…super mature one. I’ve actually claimed James as my brother, and said that he will defiantly be known as an uncle to my baby when he or she is born.

But right now, I really wish Kendall didn’t leave. Why is that? Easy; the pregnancy is screwing with my hormones, making me crave it. And of course I see James as cute, but he isn’t my type. Either way, with my mood being how it is, and seeing James in his “lucky white V-neck” is making my hormones go even more crazy.

I was leaning to the counter, keeping my hands on it as I watched James play whatever game it is he is playing on the Xbox and every once in a while he would look at me and quickly flash a smile, then go back to playing.

About ten minutes later, I yawned slightly from feeling tired. I guess one can only fight side effects for so long before they grow tired…Or this baby is just making me want to sleep again, one or the other. Though this child does make me want to sleep a lot through the day, and when it comes to night I’m pretty much restless.

“Tired?” James asked as he walked over and I nodded. Though with him being this close suddenly made the side effects kick back in like crazy and I bit at my bottom lip, feeling like I was killing myself on the inside for trying to not give into him. I can wait until Kendall gets back, dangit!

~~James’ View~~

When I heard Madison yawn, I looked over at her and paused the game I was playing, and then walked over to her.

“Tired?” I asked her and she nodded. Kendall had made it clear before he left that I need to make sure she was satisfied, no matter what it is that she needs. Therefore, if she was tired, I would make sure she had everything she needed to get comfortable, then let her sleep before going back to what I was originally doing.

Though seeing her bite her bottom lip while nodding, I slightly raised an eye brow, wondering why she was. But before I could ask her, I felt her put a hand on my cheek and her other arm around my neck while she kissed me.

I was just clueless on what she was doing, or why she was doing this even. When Madison first moved in here, she had friend zoned me and the other two guys by saying we were like brothers to her. However, even though I wanted Lucy still when Madison first moved into the Palm Woods, I always seemed to feel… something for her. What it is though, I don’t know.

So with her kissing me, I didn’t think too much before making my next move. I slid my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me while tilting my head slightly to the side. Following my lead, Madison slid both arms around my neck, tilting her head the other way.

As the kiss had continued on, I slid my hands to Madison’s hips and placed her up on the counter, feeling her legs wrap around my waist. I will admit, she had my mind going all sorts of crazy right now. Even if she is now three months pregnant with my best friend’s child, I couldn’t seem to stop what we were doing. As strange as it sounds, kissing Madison is like a dream come true to me.

“What the hell is going on here?” I heard Kendall say from behind us.

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