~*~Chapter 21~*~

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I've been meaning to say this in the past Chapter or two, but kept forgetting. Thank you so much for the reads, fans, votes, and comments I have gotten out of this book. It has really made me happy to know you guys enjoy this book (:


~*~Madison’s View~*~

The next day when I had finally gotten off of the phone with my producer, I walked back out to Kendall who was sitting on the couch with our baby girl, smiling down at her. Laying my head on his shoulder, I looked down at her myself. She has Kendall’s eyes, so they were a perfect emerald green.

“Hey,” Kendall said softly to me as he finally looked at me instead of our baby girl. I looked at him and smiled softly at him. “What’d your producer say?” He added before I could say anything. Looking back at Melody, Kendall handed her to me. Honestly, I’ve warmed up to her a bit more now. Things change when you thought your baby had died, when it turned out you had twins. It still hurts knowing Thomas didn’t make it, but there’s nothing we could have had done about it.

“Are you going to be able to handle Melody by yourself when she’s two months?” I asked him as I looked at him. Giving me a confused, yet curious, look he just asked,

“Yeah. I’d have the guys here with me. Why do you ask?”

“Because,” I started to say. “My producer wants me to go on tour for two weeks when Melody is a bit older, the maximum being two months, to promote my album.” I said to him. Kendall smiled widely and happily.

“Just follow your dreams,” Kendall said. “If you’re happy, then I’m happy and will manage taking care of Melody with the guys and mom with Katie.”

“Hey, Madison?” Kendall asked me later that day after we had put Melody to sleep for the night. I was just now walking out of the bathroom, considering I had just finished a shower. My hair was still pretty wet, but oh well. As I walked out, I was throwing my hair up into a bun for now, just to keep it off of my neck.

“Yeah?” I wrapped the hair tie around my soaking wet hair one last time.

“Remember how I told you two months ago there was something about James I needed to tell you, but we agreed to wait until after the baby is born?” I nodded. “Well,” He started to say. “It’s about James, and…” He just sighed, shaking his head as he sat down on the bed.

I sighed, curiosity growing on why he would just stop and act like this hurts him to say it.

“Kendall, tell me.” I said to him as I sat down beside him, looking at him. He reached over, taking one of my hands and looking at me.

“This may sound weird coming from me, but James doesn’t know how to say it.” He started to say. I just gave him a look that says for him to go on. “Madison, James really loves you, but more than the brother and sister way like you see him, and he doesn’t know why he feels like he does.”

I’m sorry…what? I don’t get how James could…I mean how did…Damnit, Melody! I seriously have to stop blaming the baby for everything…but it must have something do when I kissed James because of that craving. Ohhhh I feel so terrible now…

“Because of the kiss…” I said to Kendall, and he just looked at me like he just learned I kissed him. “When I was only a few months pregnant,” I added quickly.

“What would that have to do with anything?” He asked me. I shrugged.

“When I kissed him, he apparently felt something in it that I didn’t, because I love you…”

“Then we’ll have to find somebody else who can make James feel whatever he felt with you with somebody else…”

~~James’ View~~

Next Day

I still don’t know what it is that I have felt with Madison to get me to like her like this. I would lie to myself and say that maybe I don’t love her at all and that I’m just acting like a player again, but I know that isn’t the truth. If I was just being a player again, I would have forgotten about ten thousand girls by now. But Madison has seemed to stick in the back of my mind.

I don’t know why, and the last thing I would ever want to do to her is hurt her, and the last thing I would ever want to do to Kendall is take her away from him. I guess I’ll just live through life and see where it takes me. I’m sure at some point all this will have to make sense, right?

As I walked into the apartment, I saw Madison and Kendall sitting on the couch with one another, both cooing their new baby girl with smiles on their faces. It’s strange how Madison never wanted kids and for nine months straight she has been the least happy person about her pregnancy.

But it seems like ever since she first held her baby girl in her arms, everything changed in her. Maybe there’s just a piece of her past that I don’t know about. But Kendall seems to understand her completely, so maybe it is better off if she stays with him. But like I said before, I won’t be taking them apart from one another.

“James!” Madison said happily with a smile as she turned around and saw me. I just pulled out a fake smile as she handed Kendall back Melody and walked over to me. I felt my heart race just a little bit. You know how it is when you have a crush and they come to you and you suddenly feel nervous and you grow afraid that you’ll say something stupid and make them hate you? Yeah, that’s what I feel right now.

“Hey,” I said to her and Kendall turned around slightly to look at me and said,

“I already told her.” That took a bit of relief off of my shoulders, but now I just wonder what Madison is going to say. She doesn’t look pissed or anything…They before I knew anything, Mads hugged me and I just slowly put my arms around her. I watched Kendall as he got up and walked off to the room he has with Maddie, and I then looked back at her.

“I don’t understand…” I started to say to her. “I thought you would be pissed or something for me loving you…” Madison just smiled.

“James, I love the idea of falling in love, and, I want to help you.” She said, I just gave her a look that said I didn’t understand. She rolled her eyes. “Somewhere out there is your Princess Charming. Which just means you have to get out there and find her!”

“Madison,” I started to say, but she shook her head in a way of saying she’s not having it.

“Nope!” She said to me. “You’re going out there to find her no matter what, now come on.” She said, and pulled me out of the house after her. Sometimes, I wonder what happened to the strict “music only” Madison, the one who cared more about her career than anything.

Eh, oh well. Being a parent changes you, apparently…

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