1. Back to school

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  • İtfaf edildi My family <3

                                    Chapter One: Back to school

It's my first day of Secondary 5. My parents registered me to Louis-Riel's High School. It's near my previous one, but at least the people here don't know me. Well, not yet...

At 9 o'clock, the bell rang. First class: French. Ugh... Won-der-ful. So, when I entered the class, all the students looked at me like if I came from another planet. Well, obviously, there's no way to be unnoticed...

I went to sit at the back of the class, and I didn't talk to anybody. I really didn't want to anyway... At the other side of the class, there was a cute Arab guy who didn't stop making stupid jokes. As always, his friends and all the girls of the class started to laugh at each of his jokes. Honestly, I found his jokes very stupid and boring. The worst thing was that these girls were forcing themselves, just to get the guy's attention. You know, this kind of "so not natural" ultra-forced laugh all superficial girls do when they try to have a sexy laugh, but that we immediately spot its falsity? Well, I'm talking about this kind laugh. ALL the girls started to laugh this way. I think it's the most torturous thing I've ever listened. I hate people like this. They disgust me.

In brief, it was so boring in class. The teacher talked to us about his life (like all the other teachers), the cute Arab guy found hismelf very funny the whole period, and these fake -superficial - bimbos were trying to please him, while some other guys were looking at him with a crooked eye.

After, I had Math class. The same cute guy was also in my class (unfortunately), and some of the girls that were in my French class were also in my Math class. Otherwise, there were a few new guys. Very cute also! Especialy the Latinos' squad in the corner. They were all speaking to eachothers in Spanish. Ok, I understood half of their conversation, but it sound extremely weird in my head. Check it out: "My mom did a Ceviche yesterday and my dad told her it was disgusting... Hahahahahaha!...(?) ... My girlfriend and I did "you know what" yesterday (by the way, poor little girlfriend...) and it was so great! She's so good at it!... (and then sommeting with ''la fiesta en la noche'') ... The pretty girl in the corner (uh... what the heck?)... (?) ... I partied all summer and I got drunk so many times! Hahaha... (etc...)". Yes, I found this conversation really fishy, and I even stared at them with big round eyes without noticing, and one of them caugh me and whispered them something, and then, they all stared at me and suddenly changed the subject of their conversation, for a more Kosher one. And, as always, my face became red of shame, and I fled my head in my arms, and then I laid down on my desk. Cool class! Ugh...

Well, then it was lunch time. I went down to look for my bag in my locker, and I left out. I climbed the school's Football field's fence, and I laid down in a sunny corner of the field to tan my... uh... face? So, I was calmly tanning my face when all of sudden, a ball punched my face. I opened up my eyes and looked around me to see who the culprit was, and guest what? It was the cute none-funny Arab guy! I was so mad at him that I immediately ran toward him and started to yell at him:


Him: No I swear, no...!

He didn't even had the time to explain himself that I slapped him in the face. Seriously, I should start to control my anger, 'cause now uhm...

Him: I'm really sorry, I didn't want to hurt you, I swear! I'm really sorry, please!

Me: Hmm... Fine, I apologize you. Only this time.

Lui: Euhm... Do you want to play with us?

Moi: Huh?... Uh... what?... Uh... No, I'm not good at Football anyway.

Him: It's alright, in any case I.. Uh... WE can teach you.

Moi: Hmm... fine.

Ok, I still found them friendly, him and his squad. We even laughed together, I admit, but still, it doesn't mean that we are good friends tho'! In brief, I learnt that his name was Taha and that he is Moroccan -he doesn't even look like one -. He looks more like a mixed Lebanese-Moroccan-Palestinian. I swear to God. Although, at a moment, I almost was about to talk to him in Lebanese Arabic to be sure! Seriously, what would've I looked like, with my lebanese accent, from nowhere? I would've looked like an alien, of course! Pff... Fortunately, I didn't open my mouth! Ok, well, I found him beautiful with his caramel skin tone, his short and curly dark black hair, and his emerald green and honey-colored eyes. He is also very tall and has a well-built body. I think he measures a little bit more than 2 meters long... Ok, Ok! I know, I even measured him! Pff...

Well, apart from that, the rest of the afternoon was pretty well spent. I've had Dramatic Arts and then Physics-Chemistry class. Taha rarely talked to me, but I think it's because he's shy with me me (by the way, he was also in my 2 last classes), but some people told me that he is very talkative the rest of the time. People even though that we were dating, because he didn't stop staring and smiling at me. Like, seriously guys?! It pissed me off but, it didn't seem to bother much Taha huh... Ok, I admit the fact that he did stare at me several times and that it also started to piss me off after a few awkward eye-contacts, but he's still sweet, although a little TOO chatty with others, - I admit -, but I'm ok with that. He's pretty cool, I guess...

His "groupies" were looking at me with a crooked eye, but I didn't even care about them. Taha is not even interested in them (he told this to me himself), so, I don't think these girls are going to have a chance with him someday, even if they're pretty.

The only thing that bothers me in Taha's behavior is that he's the type of guy who enjoys breaking a girl's heart and play with their feelings to finaly expose them and ruin their reputation. I HATE THESE KINDS OF GUYS! THEY ARE JERKS! But... Taha is a sweet jerk, well, with me... I even told this to him face-to-face and he started to laugh. This guy is really weird. Please, don't ever think about hanging with him someday, seriously.

Anaheed Chehab (English version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin