We both entered the house instantly being greeted by three people, two guys and one female. 

'Great more people I can't remember.' 

"Hey Techno! How you doing Mate?" He gave me a worried look. 'Wait! No I know this guy! Phil phil phil! He helped me buy this house.' 

"Phil? That is you right?" 

"Yes! You remember me? Do you remember William or Wil?"


"How about Kristen?" 

"Yeah! She helped buy the house! She was on the call... Right..?"

"Yes yes! You are getting it! Now Tommy, remember anything about him?"

"I think, I think he was the parson calling me when I was on the ground in pain, I felt an urge to get to him.. Then another thing is I was at my desk on call with someone who was on call with him, I called him strawberry and he told me his dad hurt me.. was that him? Am I getting that right?" Phil looked at the kid.. Tommy?I did as well. 

He looked very sad but nodded. 'I'm getting it!'

"Come with me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs and to a room, if i'm remembering right it's a spare. When he opened it I saw pretty white walls wood floors, a white and grey carpet, a white rocking chair and a bed with a rail that can go up or down.


- Knock - Knock - 

-No answer- 

I walk in and see Tommy sleeping, I walk over and lower the bar I then pick him up and carry him to the chair. I had a nightmare that I lost him to his father. I now know that I need to get my act together and start the adoption process. 



"Yes. I came into the room and picked him up and brought him to that chair and sat with him. That night I had a nightmare that I lost him to his dad? And told myself to start working on adopting him." 

"Good good, now follow." We walked out of the room and into my room. 




"Can ..I sleep.. here? I had nightmare?" He said in between sniffles. 

"Of course come here bubba.." Tommy waddled over to my bed and collapsed next to me immediately drifting off to sleep. 

"I will always protect you.." 


 "I'm going to assume it was another flashback?" 

"Yep, Tommy." 

"Alright well, lets go to the last room." We left this room walking to the other room. When I walked in a lot of memories came back.


"Shh, It's alright. Want to talk about it?" The figure looked up at me with red puffy eyes.. Wil.

"I can't do this anymore. When I go back home i'll be away from you guys.. I'll be lonely again! I don't want to be alone anymore" 

"Wil.. Look you don't have to be alone. You don't have to go back! ! We can work something out." 

"Really..?" He put his face onto my sweater and cried more.



"Hey Wil! How are you feeling about this Phil moving down the street with you and Kristen thing?" 

"I'm so happy, we all get to stay close!" 

"Yeah!!" He ran over and gave me a big hug.

"Wil, you can always come and talk to me when you get upset."

"I know.. Thank you Techno."


"What was the flashback this time." 

"There was two this time, The first was me comforting Wil and the other one was me just conversing with Wil."  I looked over at Wil and his eyes lit up, he gave me a big hug at first I tensed up but just allowed it. 

"Alright alright, one more thing. I think this one will help alot with Tommy." 

We walked down stairs and Phil sat me on the couch while he looked for something in my cabinets. Once he found some papers he came over to me and gave them to me. 

Thomas Simons is my son... 

Longer chapter because I felt bad.. Hehe

Words: 1173

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