Chapter 3: The Concert

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Taylor's POV:

My eyes beamed open with the sound of footsteps peddling downstairs. I furiously threw off my covers and strolled down the wooden steps. "HEY PEOPLE ARE KINDA TRYING TO SLEEP UP HERE!" I yelled.


I laughed as my feet finally hit the ground. Leo ran up and jumped up and down, asking for me to pick him up. I smiled and pulled him into my arms "What is it my favorite little boy?"

"Well..." He said stopping at the word.

"Well what?" I pressured as I tickled him to death.

"I love you sissy!" His words spurred in my heart and I felt a smile form on my lips. Its not often that people tell me they love me. And coming from my loving brother was just what I needed.

Half the time I felt as if I was some sort of disgrace. Once mum passed away my father had basicly shut me and Leo out of his life. Then Isabell came after what happened to her family and it brightened my family.

I was too consumed in misery to do almost anything. When Isabell came she made mine and Leo's world just a bit brighter. I guess thats why he will always pick her over me.

And then once my father found out I had cancer he never would even consider me his daughter. I was just some girl that was staying at his house.

"I love you too" I cried shoving my face into his small chest.

"Sissy are you crying?" He worriedly asked. I finally pulled my slef back together and wiped the tears off my cheeks and met his eyes.

"Its nothing I promise" I said, holding onto to his shoulders. He quickly nodded and a smile crept back onto my face. "Now go help Issy find her video camera, if you don't she might go co-co!"

He laughed and ran off to Isabell who was litteraly throwing every item in reach. A laugh erupted from my mouth and I spoke up, "I'm gonna go change".

*3 hours later*

(Btw, her outfit is the picture to the right. You know where the pictures go)

My heels clicked the wooden steps while I wobbled down the stairs. I could hear Isabell honking the horn like crazy. I sighed as I reached the last step but suprising fell foward to my doom.

The wooden floor clashed with my face and a grunt fell from my lips. I quickly picked myself up and ran outside to the car.

I opened door the passenger to see a familiar video camera just sitting there. I picked it up grinning to myself. "Is this yours?" I asked playing with it infron of Isabell's face.

"Yes!" She snapped, pulling it out of my grasp. "Now get in the car!"

I laughed and was about to plop down onto the soft seat but a thought fell into my head. I painiced and raced into the kitchen.

I threw open cabinet after cabinet, searching for my pills. My eyes fell on them and I mentally cheered. I threw them in my purse and locked the front door.

"Will you now get in the freakin' car?!" Isabell yelled shoving my door open. I shrugged and plopped down onto the soft seat that was calling my name.

*At the Arena*

"Hey, Do you mind putting that mirror down and getting out of the car?" I teased as I uncbuckled Leo's car seat. She laughed and held her mirror higher, adding more creamy lipgloss. "Fine then I hope you don't mind holding Leo?"

"No I think you can handle that" She laughed. I rolled my eyes and pulled him into my arms.

We made our way into the arena and screaming filled my ears. It was then I noticed that they would be on stage in less than two minutes. "Take him!" I shouted, putting Leo in Isabell's arms.

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