"Cancer?" Dick's hands fell to his sides.

"Yeah. Stomach cancer— it was caught somewhat early but it's kinda a miracle he's alive. Other than that, I don't know a ton. I really only communicate with her over email, so there's not exactly a lot of time to listen to her background story. Why are you asking?"

Damian's face seemed a little less harsh after the mention of the illness. One would take it as sympathy, but Tim knew better than to think his little brother was capable of that. "How did you become familiar with Elias?"

"I ran into her at one of the galas a year ago. We talked briefly and I told her that I was interested in Wayne Enterprises, and she gave me her card. Said to call if I ever needed help, so I have a few times. She's wicked smart! You should see this plan her tech division is putting together, she mentioned it a few months ago—"

"We'll listen to the tech stuff later," Dick suddenly interrupted. "What do you know about her and Bruce?"

Tim faltered. "Her and... Bruce? Well, they don't like each other very much, if you haven't noticed—"

"Do you believe they were," Damian paused for a moment, his face contorting into one of disgust. "Courting, at any point?"

"Courting?" Tim repeated. "Uh, I'm not sure. Unless she's a criminal, I don't really keep track of who Bruce goes out with. Which is ironically more often than you think, but that's not the point. Why? Do you guys think they were dating? Or are?"

Dick put his hands on his hips. "We're not sure what we think. But we found some photo albums from a long time ago— apparently Bruce and her used to be friends. I... I think they went to prom together? Oh, and he was also good friends with Oliver Queen, and they were drinking on a ship and Bruce was actually having champagne and, oh my God! He was wearing this devil costume—"

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up." Tim raised a hand to stop Dick from talking, trying to process all of the information flying from his brother's mouth. "Prom? Bruce? And... devil... huh? What the hell does any of that mean?"

Damian rolled his eyes. "Don't be slow, Drake. Grayson and I believe we have found evidence to prove that father used to be... friends, with Elias and Queen. To what extent, we are unsure. I questioned Pennyworth—"

"You talked to Alfred?" Dick exclaimed.

"—and he did not provide me with any useful explanation, lying straight to my face as if he thinks I'm some moron. However, during the interrogation, father received a call from Oliver Queen—"

"He talked to Oliver? Damian! You told me that nothing happened!"

"I lied, Grayson. Because unlike me, you are a moron. Now shut up. As I was saying, I couldn't hear anything from their conversation, but father was visibly angry and I believe they were talking about Elias. Father said something about trying to get her to leave, what I assume is the Justice League."

Tim didn't know what to do with that. When was the last time that Dick and Damian worked together, and consulted Tim, of all people? The answer was never, which actually intrigued Tim even more. Even he had to admit, the information he had just received was... surprising, to put it lightly. "Are you guys sure? I mean, it's Oliver Queen you're talking about here. Bruce can barely stand to be in the same room as the guy—"

Tim snapped his mouth shut, contemplating. He furrowed his brows. "Huh. That is a little weird, I guess, isn't it?"

Dick looked confused. "What is?"

"Forget the League stuff, because they're both mandated to be there. But have you guys ever seen Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen at the same event? They're both billionaires, both big business owners— wouldn't we notice Oliver at more charity things?"

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