totally not dating

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     You and aone have never dated but were just very close. Aone was never bothered you guys acted like a couple, did couple things, but your parents and his werent convinced, EVER.

"when are you gonna say your dating him!" my mom exclaimed.

"I'm not." you never kissed but did hold hands, went places, slept in the same bed, sleep over constantly. The most you ever got with a kiss was on the forehead or cheek.

hes been your friend for way to many years for you to think of him any more than a friend....but, you can admit your feelings have been changing.





11:26 am

You woke up to heavy knoking on the door, "come in..."you say annoyed. Your mom walks in to you being spooned by aone. "and your sure your not together?" she asked covinced your in a relaitionship. "yes." you say to your obnoxious mother. "mmmkay, anyways breakfast was made a few hours ago but you could warm it up, its french toast!" she looked around your room, "and when your done eating clean this room, its a pig pen." she states and leaves the room leaving the door open. you grumbled in annoyance. you felt a pair of hands sneak there way off your waist pulling up the covers. "whats wrong baby?" you said quiet and gentle. "nothing, im to warm." he grumbles with his morning voice you had heard to many times yet seemed so new, you could feel it send shivers in your body. 

   He got up puting a shirt on, since he spent the night so often he had clothes at your house. He     grabbed your arms and slund them over his sholders giving you a piggy back ride downstairs.

"hey honey how did you sleep?" momma ask's aone setting warmed french toast in front of him. "good, thank you." mom smiled. " shoulder kinda hurts." he continues eating. "you've worked yourself to hard on volleyball you need to take breaks more often, I was in swimming when I was younger and I'd have to take breaks all the time due to how much it was hurting." my mother sat down at the table looking at you and aone, watching you rub his shoulder just made her more suspicious. "okay, but I have practice tommorow and it would be rude not to show up." he got up bringing his plate to the sink. "Y/n arent yo going to eat anything." no Im not hungry right now maybe later." you say still tired. "looks like you not the only one who overworks themselves!" momma laughed. Aone came over picking you up and bringing you upstairs. "not dating my ass." mom walked away to the living room to watch tv.





  "I do have legs." you laughed laying in bed as he blushed, "I'm sorry I just like helpng you...its nice." his voice faltered."of course you always been polite." you kiss his head as he nods in agreement. "have we ever argued?" he shook his head no. "that's good I would hate fighting with you." He nodded. he turned on your tv. "lets watch ratatouille! I havent seen that movie in years!" he turned it on and layed down. 

30 minutes later.

 "Have you ever had a crush?" 

"...I dont know." he continued watching the movie. 

"how would you not know if you like someon romantically?"

he shrugged.

"whats your worst nightmare?" you ask.

"I dont get a lot of nightmares and I cant remember."

"mm."you leaned over on his lap. "your super tense? are you okay?" you got up guiding his head down to your lap rubbing his shoulder. "you have to go home today." you say sadly. "visit me after practice?" "mhm." he hummed in response. you stroked his hair. "thank you." 


author-chan here~ 

wow this story took a while this time. its okay though I dont mind, cant wait to edit though....

instagram- Hawks_grave

update between monday and wenesday. 

love yall! words count- 663!

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